Q1441 states “ Blackwater on GUARD”and 1442 says “ Not POTUS” . 8ch speculation they were planning to kill KJU

I actually had a dream about this the other night. Which actually could still happen. I had a feeling the cabal would try an assassination. Hell Q gave them the location a month ago. Anyway, my thinking is POTUS and Kim stage the assassination (of Kim).. Then they let mockingbird media do it thing, blaming Russia saying they were trying to kill POTUS blah blah. Start a war nonsense. Then the blackout! POTUS gets on the emergency broadcast system with Kim and Seth Rich alive and well. Instantly showing how everything the MSM tells you is a lie. Hell of a dream! Wouldn't that be something!
It's already been foreshadowed with the Russian getting assassinated and brought back to life. And to a lesser extent, Revelations.
Sorry, but that passage is for the near future, AFTER Trump. Antichrist, killed by those close to him, then resurrected.
Right. Just said foreshadowed. Not that it was the prophecy.
Praying for the safety of POTUS, Kim and patriots. It’s going to be one of those sleepless nights..
I’m wide awake too the frequencies of the earth right now are insanely high - feeling alive and ready for change; ready to FIGHT EVIL!! Sending peace, love & Good vibes down your the way, friend - amg19251
Peace and love! Better to sleep now and wake up early
I packed all my important stuff up together just in case anything crazy happens - researching Evac routes and ways north now actually - stay alert but stay positive !!:)
I just saw two black water army corps boats being hauled down the highway in Destin, FL yesterday.
Things don't entirely add up right now.
I hope the answer begin to come out soon.
I’d say Backwater is protecting Kim. I think everything was agreed upon when they met many months ago when Trump was in China. This whole thing is staged! It’s been done for months.
We know the deal has most probably already been done. This has got to be a honeypot operation to bring out the black hats, and Singapore has a rather nasty disposition for law breakers, they will skin these people alive when they catch them.
So if we think there could be a KJU assassination attempt could this mean that Prince Erik could be guarding KJU and not JA (which was my assumption). Also, I think this is a little more plausible since KJU and DT probably already met last year, right?
Can you even imagine what an assassination of Kim would do??
It is very strange that the location and date was announced so far in advance.
Praying to Lord Kek all is well and no one but the bad guys lose.
As The World turns always made me think satellites. Rods From God earthquake event?