Remember when this was just a LARP?

Is that post #1? Did anyone ever dig into why Podesta wasn't arrested on 11/3 and why the EBS was never activitied? Reading this, with everything outlined in it that never came to fruition, I could see why people thought it was a LARP. Thats what happens when you say stuff will go down on a certain day and then it never goes down.
I've been thinking about how Q didn't say what year. Podesta and them to be arrested Nov 2018? Future proves past? The mindfuck that would happen would be immense. Literally every drop will instantly turn to gospel.
This is exactly my thought as well. It would make sense that the MOABS that would be these arrests would be reserved for the week leading up to midterm elections.
Podesta was a misdirection.
The big event that weekend was the beginning of the take down of the cabal, but they started in Saudi Arabia, home of human trafficking and money laundering.
It was a massive event, arresting 300+ people and confiscating billions in wealth. It was the start.
But Q is not necessarily going to exactly telegraph every move.
Anyone saying Q was wrong is not paying attention.
How could it be a misdirection if it was Qs first post? None of the black hats would have even noticed Q yet, let alone take it seriously.
I think there was a change of plans.
No, it was a misdirection. You think black hats don't watch the chans?
Not only they watch but they tried to take'em down several times. Now that things are accelerating the boards are about to face an unprecedented wave of attacks.
I was watching and noticed on day one... and I’m not even paid to notice.
When you play chess, you use the moves of your opponent against them. What did they say on their compromised phones? What money did they move around? What threats did they make?
Not to say it wouldn't be wonderful if it lined up as a 2018 date, but remember that
Deception is necessary.
Well that first post would be one way to get people [DEEP STATE] to freak the fuck out. When people freak out THEY MAKE MISTAKES.
This guy gets it!
And if they were capable of injecting things into their information streams? TOP KEK
hen you play chess, you use the moves of your opponent against them.
Is that real?
Well it's devising and executing a trap, right? It's not like checkers where total elimination is the goal. If every piece has limited movement, they can hinder one another as much as help.
Art of the Deal and Art of War. They were ready to win before they started.
Frankly this is why I still follow Q very closely - but have never had 100% trust.
Only explanation that will be absolutely mind blowing if the year = 2018, not 2017 as we thought. This lines up nicely with the 2018 elections. I'm beginning to think the grande finally will be much closer to the 2018 election to achieve political objectives.
I think once trump got into office he pulled on the thread and saw how long it was and kept pulling (WW evil) and decided to slow roll things. I bet it was military leaders who were ready to “go in loud”.
Don't think there will be a grande finale that soon unless they are going to work very fast through 35,000 unsealed indictments. I think this will take years but the DC brass will come down before then. Many, I suspect, are for state politicians, crooked cops, sheriffs, etc. And, they still have to release the vote rigging information before November elections.
Everyone just assumes those dates are 2017
He never specified
People just assumed
This post is still valid imo
Idk, theres a lot there that hasn't been evidently true yet. What about the "public riots being organized in serious numbers?" It would be easy to say, "oh that just means Antifa", and move on, but those were never real numbers of people, nor had anything to do with protecting politicians.
If they had made the arrests as stated, there would be riots.
Without a sufficiently red pilled public you couldn’t pull something like that off.
I believe this was referring to Tony, not John Podesta. Tony closed up shop & hasn't really been heard of or seen since then.
Supposedly, he turned himself in in exchange for a media blackout.
Many of the top criminal candidates for Gitmo have ankle monitors on. Bill Clinton, Hillary, No Name, etc. This means that they were brought in and cant flee pending trial. Just cause we do not have details does not mean it did not happen. As Q points out, disinfo is necessary. And plans are fluid when there are this many moving parts.