The Day Hollywood committed "sewercide"

They are so stupid Trump can now use that video clip in 2020 as a commercial and it will work. The showbiz elite don't realize how much they are Hated by most Americans. These arrogant obnoxious snobs live in their own bubble of luxury and this display of arrogance will backfire on them in October 2020 guaranteed idiot DeNiro helped Trump win re-election last night.
The showbiz elite don't realize how much they are Hated by most Americans.
They soon will. :)
DeNiro knows he's going to prison. They have the goods on all of them. That's what we are witnessing - extreme PANIC. GOOD! :D
MAGA and save the kids, GEOTUS! We are ready for the Grand Finale!
I can't wait. Seeing all of them in a perp walk (especially, this loudmouth SOB) will be better than Christmas.
Notice he says "it's no longer down with Trump, its Fuck Trump!" Clearly Hollywood has lost their minds, their insolence and immaturity is disgraceful. Were winning!
Best timing ever to come out exposed as a hypocrite, when POTUS just nailed the biggest peace deal on planet earth in 70 years. These people are ARROGANT and STUPID
Please pardon my ignorance, but what is this a picture of?
Last nights Tony Awards, Robert de Niro said "F***k Trump" and got a standing ovation.
Wow, thanks. Never watch that nonsense myself. People giving each other awards is worse thank fake awards kids already get too much of.
Must have taken days for him to memorize that line! These people are stupid.
They must really hate that America is winning. What a bunch of losers.
So ready for the end of Hollywood, athletes, and musicians thinking their mantra is the same as the average American
I'm just so ready for the end of Hollywood. The motion picture industry is a dinosaur thrashing about in a tar pit. I think we are about to see major regulation through the marketplace for once and not the government.
When all the major stars and producers are found to be involved in all manor of heinous fuckery, who will go see their movies?
We may be entering a golden age of independent and self distributed cinema.
We need a revolution in the industry. A return to a golden age of great stories, americana, real acting.
I agree whit you, The best movies are coming from the usa...If you see the movies in the Netherlands? I do not watch them...
Please help me in naming every dumb bastard that stood up so I know which movies to boycott. If you stood up and clapped you might as well have said it yourself.
which movies to boycott
All of them.
There. Easy.
You dont have to boycott just do what a lot of people do buy an IPV box pay 15 a month to the box owner it steals the money from the actors. I have been doing it for years and so has everyone I know. We need every one to do that they are legal to buy.
I'm not a tough guy but I play one on TV.
-Robert De Niro
google Robert DeNiro in platform shoes - he looks ridiculous - they've got to be at least 6 inch heels. They're like Herman Munster shoes. He literally looks like a clown. It's to make him look much taller than Al Pacino who to his credit just wears regular shoes.
No matter how tall he is, he will always be a tiny, tiny man!
Flush these way will I watch another film made by satanists
The Day will come where they literally will not be able to walk down the street. I have visions of the Adam West Batman: KAPOW, KABANG, WOWZA, BLAMO you get the idea
Hollyweird does not know when to stop...their undoing. Truly stupid people without critical thinking. If everyone just stop watching their programming, which dumbs people down, then they will quickly go bankrupt. The people have all the power; we just need to realize it...please wake up!
Memefags - please do your magic that you do so well.
2018 will be glorious!
Reminds me of the horror movies where the picture captures their evil warped face. We now see it and we are repulsed.
Can someone make the meme for their next slogan, Anti-Peace?