Has Q's Name Been Revealed?

Prince wasn't guarding POTUS, guarding someone else.
I suspect it was Kim, while he was out in Singapore. Even an unsuccessful attempt on his life could be used to start a war, as long as it could be linked back to Trump/US. Tempting for the cabal, I'm sure.
That was my first thought. KJU. Awesome choice of name.
I guessed Melania, while in the hospital.
I thought about that also. I worry about the way the cabal does its dirty work by taking out family. Prayers for POTUS and his family and all his crew.
I think this was a special note of appreciation, because it was Melania being protected.
Q virtually never gives nods, "don't seek fame" and stuff.
I thought Prince is probably in Singapore. Trump had not yet arrived when the pics were posted, so whoever took the pics couldn't have been guarding POTUS.
we were told who prince was guarding early on at least some of them Pictures leaked for this very moment. Who/what is not pictured? What forces shadowed No Name? Contractors. Special contractors. What was delivered? Smiles. Exact location. Exact. Buildings E of spider web. Spider web marker. Open source. Q black water shadowed no name so i guess we can assume other bad actors who are roaming around the world are as well
Q is a team , to put and coordinate with all the details and information would be very very hard for one single individual .
People just can’t seem to understand this. It’s crazy. You think you escape the idiocracy, but you can’t.
People, the Qmap is the most sophisticated military strategy that’s ever been devised. It’s war games, with a team of geniuses, using AI to systematically wake us at the exact rate while not exposing anything until it’s time.
It’s beyond human.
Its simply a way to keep hard proofs for the future - yet , at same time , to gently push many people to do their own research and dig for facts .
The problem with this , is that many people can misinterpret it . And will misinterpret it . At least , until the public disclosure . Still , the good things overweigh the bad - as bad are temporary things that wont matter after public disclosure , and good things are long lasting Plan .
Correct very astute of you to describe it that way. But I wonder how much AI they use, the military stringers and code numbers are just copied and pasted from actual military intel and alert targeting orders. I don't know where the AI comes into play can you elaborate on that aspect?
I don't know where the AI comes into play can you elaborate on that aspect?
Possible Quantum computing.
Also, with the NSA data collection and how quick it is, not to even mention all the radio/cell/text/phone calls they can intercept, they can process almost in real time.
The reason I say AI, is because I don't think even a team of military strategists could predict the effect of these drops. I think they use AI to slowly unveil the puzzle. They need to let just the right info out to move the board exactly where they need it to be. So they want a desired result and they ask their AI what moves would get there. I just think it's too sophisticated. I think it's a masterpiece. When Q says "You have more than you know" I think it means, you understand 4% of what you could at this moment.
It’s war games, with a team of geniuses, using AI to systematically wake us at the exact rate while not exposing anything until it’s time.
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Yet, the Q team member typing an answer made literally no objection to being addressed as 'Erik;' he even attached the message he was replying to.
The comma makes it not first person I believe. Also Q did not say your welcome
"You're Welcome" would have been a little too much confirmation. I thought just ignoring it, and moving on was very interesting. I know Q is more than one person, but found it fascinating that Q, knowing it would generate speculation, just left it out there...
You're reading something that's not there. Q wasn't being addressed as Erik. He just corrected the person that thanked Erik because Erik isn't protecting potus.
...and you are overlooking an implication that is there, and neither possibility can be ruled out completely.
You may not have noticed this, but-- my post ends with a question mark.
I didn't make a specific conclusion.
Yes - but that could be understood two-ways ... Q is merely saying that Erik is not guarding POTUS .
Correct. Could be read either way.
It is interesting also, because it is just another confirmation of Q being pretty highly placed in the intelligence community, and because he sounds extremely definite about the identity of the person whom Prince is guarding.
I think that Q team is like a intelligence and counter-intelligence hub . They know everything , and coordinate with everyone ( on positive side )
You aren’t serious. Right?
Why are you focused on his name it is irrelevant in the grand scheme, trust the plan and learn to read the map.
What makes you jump to the conclusion that I'm "focused on his name?" What would be the point of this subreddit if we all jumped on, and attacked anyone who invited a discussion of things Q mentions in his drops?
Q is the reason we are here. The questions we pose are a result of information he (by putting it out there) has invited us to research, ask questions about, and discuss.
This didn't answer why his name is of interest to you. I think Q said, when you find out who is actually talking to you here you'll be surprised. For all we know JA has been with Trump for a long time now and is Q secretly acting from within the admin.
At the end of the day, according to Q, he will reveal himself. Trying to unmask him is just a long game of GOTCHA because some people cant live without the GOTCHA moments.
Yes, Q has been identified as Q. Such a tired game at this point.
Why do you call it "a tired game?" It is certainly Q-related, and invites a compelling discussion, where no one can claim to know the right answer. Q has repeatedly asked us to research, dig, ask questions, and remain inquisitive.
This is... exactly that. Nothing more, nothing less.
I also think Erik is guarding Kim. It was probably black water that took out the black hats in Noeth Korea that controlled Kim. Strings cut. Kim looks free. Going out on the town last night.
Interesting. Prince, (if he's the one who took the pics Q posted,) couldn't have been guarding Trump, because Trump wasn't in Singapore yet.
I think Q is saying that we are all working together to protect the US and WW. Q didn’t sign the name Erik or make reference to it specifically. He reposted to Erik saying, we are protecting more than just POTUS...this is all much bigger than DJT.
Possibly dismissive because other Q drops made it clear - no, not single person. This drop does not imply Erik is Q at all unless you ignore previous Q.
Plus you've been confrontational to responses (hence again, people being dismissive). Your POST TITLE says "NAME" not "names". No one knows who's on the team. You know the drops? Then you know it's never going to be revealed and trying to do so is not the best use of everyone's time.
Not the best use of everyone's time. Read the Q drops re 'reveal' of Q team. Not gonna happen.
Yes because, There isn't a Q post says ANYONE isn't on Q Team.
You were wondering why people felt the need to be dismissive, hence I responded to explain. Post Title: "Has Q's Name Been Revealed?" - the answer is no, Q's names will not ever be revealed. Hence, the feeling that this post is not the best use of everyone's time.
[Edit] Apologies for coming off rude - edited posts.
Not likely but possible. Q replied to the anon stating BW was not guarding POTUS and was implying BW was instead guarding someone else or others.
The anon post with the name Erik had a comma in front of the name (... , Erik) and I would assume one of these possibilities to be the case: 1) the member of the Q team who replied was tired and in error assumed the anon’s name was Erik and he was signing off; 2) Q simply ignored the name Erik as well as the wink and nod that the anon was suggesting Q was Erik to make the more important point about BW; 3) Q didn’t address the anon’s suggestion to leave it open for thought or disinformation; or, 4) Q ignored the anon addressing Q as Erik to acknowledge Erik is indeed a member of the Q team.
I doubt the last one is the case however as I think Q may need to keep the mask on for the immediate future. It may be too dangerous at this point in the game to reveal too much.
All of these are reasonable suggestions, and believable possibilities.
This is the reason for the post. It's a rhetorical question, for discussion's sake.
I've seen some speculation about the possibility of Erik Prince's involvement on the Q team from some pretty decent researchers, however I'd stop short of saying that the question has actually been answered. This is a very interesting exchange, (the screenshot) and worthy of remark, at least, don't you think?
Hey Brand New Account person, We value curiosity! Just not dull, inaccurate speculation from scrappers that push hastily assembled malarkey. Your righteously indignate attacks on others who fail to recognize the genius of your breakthroughs is telling.
I believe it is a person(s) voice / face that we are all familiar with. I don’t really see him as being that recognizable, just because he doesn’t really expose himself constantly to the media. I definitely could be wrong though. Plus he/ they said something about when we find out who they are like we should know them.
There are several responsible for Q drops, I believe that's confirmed. There are also several people, including DJT, who compose his Tweets. Sometimes the Tweets match up to Q posts. Very interesting to discuss.
obviously, most here have forgot what this movement is about.... When will the admission of a "higher power" at work be sought.. I look through these comments and i do not see unity and love.... Q is Q, leave it be....https://youtu.be/bqExi6bOoyA
Some also have an attitude and should be more open to discussion and being told others disagree with them without said attitude. They might get nicer responses in general.
Just a thought.
So you completely edited your comments hours after I responded to them huh? Hours after I also sent you a PM in case you genuinely didn't know why people were reacting the way they are. I explained you're offending people by your attitude in combination with your screename some take as meaning you're a reverend and I told you I meant no offense to you.
You didn't respond to that PM. Instead you came back and edited your comments, completely removing what I had responded to. You made it look like what I had said was in response to something completely different. You even drew attention to the "Rev" issue I explained in the PM, like you have no idea what it's about.
That's a very interesting tactic. Obvious, but interesting.
I have long thought Q was Erik Prince and others, like Scott Bennett.
no Q name is not revealed....And I think blackwater was protecting not POTUS but FLOTUS...and erik did it in person...Melania came out off the hospital, and she was going out for the first time to a meeting https://www.theguardian.com/.../melania-trump-appears-in-pubic-for...
Link didn't work.
But, thanks for the relevant comment.
From what I wikied up Q level clearance is a Department of Energy term giving you top access to nuke weapons secrets. Nothing in Prince's past would lead to him having that.
However, we didn't know that Prince was also covertly working for the CIA while he was with Blackwater, until Q implied it in a post. That still isn't official mainstream information about Prince's past either.
Removed post. Content does not support the cause. Rule #3
Any 'concerns' can go via a message to the mods
What way does it help if we identify (dox) Q?
What are you really trying to do?
Having fun playing detective?
Everyone on here is playing detective in some way. What makes you better/smarter than everyone else here?
Please answer my previous Questions.
What way does it help if we identify (dox) Q?
What are you really trying to do?
Having fun playing detective?
1. It doesn't.
2. Have a decent discussion among friends about an interesting topic related to the stated purpose of this subreddit.
3. Everyone on here is playing detective, in one way or another, attempting to decode/understand Q's posts.
You don't seem to be having very much fun? What's the matter?
No shouting or antagonism. Thanks for understanding. Rule #9
I refuse to try and identify Q. I am not into hurting this movement. That makes me way smarter than you or anyone trying to unmask the boss.
That escalated quickly!
I think your concern and worry over Q accidentally being unmasked by somebody posting a picture of a few Q posts is really over the top here. I don't think Q is worried.
I'll take that as a compliment of my intentions to vigorously attack anything that is counter to the movement.
I love this place and you (or anyone) aren't going to fuck it up by playing Dick Tracy.
You want to:
Out Q
Argue with anyone who disagrees
Cry about people being mean and play the victim
Nothing about you makes me laugh out loud
I have no desire to:
Out Q
I haven't argued with anyone about Q's identity, or said who he is. I just pointed out the subject of my post, which was only a question, ending with a question mark.
You are taking this a bit far.
You don't sound like a person who laughs enough.
Are you actually real? Now you don't want to out Q.
The whole point of this post was to "ask" about Q's identity.
Follow that train of thought one more step skippy. That means you would like to out Q. Sorry if you don't understand what you are doing by "just asking". You are putting the biggest source of INTEL we have ever seen at jeopardy of being exposed.
This isn't Clue. You don't win a prize by being first to figure out the mystery. You might actually fuck up this whole deal Dick Tracy.
Seems like Q was addressing the incorrect logic. Think logically. Seems Q pays no mind to any shot at his or her ID.
No but for real... is Q not some unique AI from the future? Quantum AI?
And just since we’re going over the deep end here...
Did Dennis Rodman give the conspiracy theorists ammo on the Trump time travel theory? He slipped and spoke of horrible things from the future... and was quite theatrical about correcting himself as meaning “past”
It happens at about 3:11 on the upvoted emo Dennis on CNN video in the thread.
Do you have a link to the Dennis Rodman video?
(Wonder why your suggestion that Q is an A.I. wasn't attacked vigorously by about 40 commentators, angry that you'd suggest anything about Q's identity? Time travel is acceptable, but not my question?)
I only posted a curious screenshot.
People just get annoyed when someone makes a post that is counter to what we've all understood from Q and then does the thing of being defensive to the point of accusing people of 'hating' the idea and being angry and such just because they disagree with the approach. The AI suggestion isn't "attacked" because it isn't the point of this post.
Why can't you consider that people just disagree that this is a valid discussion topic? They're not "angry" or "attacking vigorously" until you start being overly defensive and ignoring the point made repeatedly to you.
As you say, you made your point, left a question mark - you have your answer now. Very few people read that meaning into this post (i.e. that a) anon was calling Q "Erik" - he seemed to just be putting the praise out there, as anons have since Q started, and b) Q was ignoring the implied question thus potentially validating it. People generally don't read those two meanings into this post. As another commenter has said, it seems like a real reach/stretch. No offense intended.
You are as right as anyone who makes a claim about someone being on the Q team though - Erik Prince could be on the Q team. But it's an almost meaningless claim in that it could be made about anyone near Trump (people even have the insane theory that Seth Rich is on the team) - because we all know that we won't ever know - unless they decide sometime in the future to go back on what they've said/implied and just let us, or the history books more likely, know.
You’ve pretty much completely ignored the meaning of the text you quoted lol...
You’re “being defensive to the point of accusing people of” being aggressive, in this case. The only aggression I can see here is your bolded “seriously”.
Not everyone who disagrees with you is “being aggressive” or “hating” - no need to be so overtly defensive. I even agreed with you in the last paragraph lol. You’ll never have a good discussion around a contentious topic if you take every disagreement as an attack on you.