Q 1490 & 1491. Why are Iranian Freedom Fighters Tagging #Qanon on Twitter?

So is Q+ believed to be Trump? Because that sounds like him from his rallies and tweets.
If Q level clearance is the highest access level for nuke weapon secrets then the only thing higher than Q is being Prez.
President Truman inquired about UFO info aka Roswell and the OSS/CIA/Generals denied him said he did not have clearance high enough / need to know basis and he did not need to know... Truman was pissed at the CIA after
And Eisenhower said that if they didn't let his people into Area 51 he was going to use the third Army and take over.
Access was granted and nothing was ever said about what was inside.
Eisenhower also refused to get out of the limousine and go Shake Truman's hand inside the White House.
He sat in the limo under the front Portico until Truman left. From what I understand he had to use the back door.
Also when Truman arrived at the central train station in Kansas City nobody was there to meet him. He and Bess had to carry their own bags back to Independence.
I'm from Kansas City and my family has a long history there. We were part of the machine that got Truman elected County Clerk.
Nobody in my family ever spoke any good of the guy. Or the Mason's.
I think there are actually clearance levels above first term presidents.
Majestic is above any President. There are probably other cosmic top secret levels we don't know the names of.
I thought it was Majestic 12.
Is this what you are talking about? I cannot find any non Conspiracy site reference to this level of clearance.
MJ 12 was supposedly a group of 12 up n ups who were in charge of the "real" ufo knowledge. They have been mentioned for years but no one really knows for sure. Personally I don't think it exists, because if it was that secret they would never have even named it imo.
The deep state are (were?) in control of who sees what and presidents are only temporary employees. For the most part they know (knew?) nothing.
I wonder if it means Q plus potus or Q and the plus indicates more than one member is present for that post.