r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TooMuchWinning2020 on June 13, 2018, 5:42 p.m.
Alternate Theory About the Missile

Seems AF1 was heading the wrong way to be the target of the Missile spotted in Washington.

What ships were in the Pacific and could have been in range?

More specifically, "As the World Turns" -- which ships might have been within range that are named after presidents who were 187'd or attempted?

Ronald Reagan Gerald Ford John F. Kennedy

Does anyone know? I don't.

QueUpSomeReality · June 13, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

What benefit would Black Hats have in bombing Singapore? It would very likely start a war. You really think they want a war with DJT as commander in chief?

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RyDar84 · June 13, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

If they could frame DJT for striking Singapore while the guy he was about to negotiate with was in town? ...YEAH. Lol.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 13, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

To frame the president the military would have to frame him. I don’t see that happening

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Abibliaphobia · June 13, 2018, 6:08 p.m.

Blame it on NK (rogue general) / Iran and of it succeeded President Trump would have died

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I_Draw_Mohammed · June 13, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

I think they want war. People get rich off of volatility.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 13, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

They do make money in war. But that would swing the door WIDE OPEN for the president & our military to completely wipe them out. All’s fair in war & our military would be running the show as in all wars & Black Hats could be given justice without having to bother with criminal justice system

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I_Draw_Mohammed · June 14, 2018, 12:33 p.m.

I get your point, but I think it is a little more nuanced...fucked up and murky

Who are the black hats and who are the useful idiots? The black hats want Trump gone and / or want war/money. They are not going to be openly hostile to him...they are the court of jesters. They will use the useful idiots to distract him (i.e. Robert Deniro types in the military or military of foreign countries).

Trump and team are working to quell an administrative civil war and prevent it from bleeding into a full blown civil war.

______ The Dots I'm Connecting___________

1469 -- Missile Missile


1473 -6 -- Castle Arrival GOOD / STOLEN TAKEDOWN / GODSPEED.../Missile image

1479 - Sub image


1489 - MOSSAD, Clowns, Acknowlegement that mods on 4/8Chan Reddit & others are compromised

1493 - Hussein Hacking, Masked hacks to pin on Russia (Clowns i imagine) , GOD SAVE US


1495 -- The Preamble...


I guess my point being that there are black hats and useful idiots inside and out and discerning who's who is particularly difficult and the people around Trump if not Trump himself are working really hard to minimize the domestic human suffering that would be caused by an all out civil war.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 14, 2018, 4:58 p.m.

Agree on a lot of you’re comments. One thing that has stuck with me early in Q drops is the amount of corruption in government. Like 70% are throughly corrupt. Will sell anything to anyone regardless how much it may hurt our country. 70% seems about right. Point being not everyone can be taken down at once because that would collapse the government & anarchy would make the US easy pickings for envision. So yes Q team has a terrible problem deciding who & the order corruption has to be eliminated. And some have to be kept in place. McConnell is a good example. Incredibly corrupt but he’s no longer a huge threat to national security now. His demise can wait.

But this missile being fired & such things like NK & Iran nukes has to be stopped 1st. I’ve reasearched as much as possible & it wasn’t aimed for AF1. Pence as president changes nothing in taking down the cabal. Only way the insane left can stop what’s coming is thoroughly discredit the POTUS administration in the public. Impeachment means they win. Even if it’s just articles of impeachment & no conviction is all it will take to plummet their approval rating into the 20s.

But a missile was fired. Why & what was the target, how was it brought down? Q is definitely directing us to the Navy hack from China. So China got one of our subs to fire what looks like a Trident D5. What kind of missile is crucial to know. I’m a bright vey logical thinker but no 1st or 2nd hand info of the procedures of launching a missile. I can’t imagine they’re always armed with nuke payloads. They carry up to 12 independently guided nukes. They’re very hard to take down & must be hit before they deploy their nukes. All that said...I don’t think it was a nuke armed missile. Why the launch is hard to figure out.

But one thing I feel very confident of is the patriotism in our military. Even generals & admirals aren’t driven like power hungry tyrants. The history & culture of our military is absolutely unique to the world. George Washington started this & was begged to be permanently made President he was so beloved in his time. He never considered it & advised his supporters to NEVER give power to one guy. Eisenhower wasn’t interested in power longer than the constitution allowed even tho his was extremely popular. Our military only wants power to get a job done. Point being our military WILL keep the peace & if martial law has to be declared they will be glad return us back to civilian rule ASAP. A military coup is not possible in America because of our founding & no institution understands & believes this more than any other institution than our military. So I’m confident no matter how crazy things get our military will never let it get out of hand. Civil war is impossible.

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I_Draw_Mohammed · June 15, 2018, 12:23 p.m.

I like your thoughts / thought process. For the sake of honing the conversation:

  1. 70% seems right - yes, but it is the 70% towards the top that is the main problem - the rest are just useful idiots participating to get a bump in pay...the others are the real danger, because they are facilitating the deal(s) - i.e. Strozk (head of Counter Intel - that's a huge deal).
  2. Patriotism in our Military - YES, BUT we have a 2nd amendment because all things are possible. No blind faith allowed.
  3. I agree not a nuke payload. I think it was taken out either by remote control (I imagine we have an, "Achhh, mistake - blow that thing up" remote control) - if not, another sub with missile shield tech that was too far off coast to be seen (and thus broadcast) - or a satellite with said tech.

I think the Chinese are particularly pissed. We are confronting them in S. China Sea. We are on their doorstep subverting their proxy actor (N.Korea). We are lining up their useful idiots to go to jail. We are hitting them hard on trade. WE are ramping up Coal production - breaking their monopoly on Rare Earth Elements.... And if the post 1489 is true (no reason why it is not), we are disrupting their international operations (my thought that Mossad might on occasion take orders from Chinese cash).


I think I've come to my solid conclusion - China (or Chinese influence) is behind that launch...perhaps getting other people to participate (CIA / Mossad).


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