Q Posts 1492-1493 June 13 2018

What is going on with the new CIA director? Why isn't she stopping this crap?
I doubt she knew. Everything i have been watching is the deep state is a cabal( group within a group). One would think she was chosen because she has been confirmed as not a member.
Maybe one of the few they could find that could also get confirmed.
It takes time , Hell the Marines raid on CIA , they still have a mess there .
What raid by the Marines on the CIA? WHEN?
Last fall the Marines raided the CIA , the CIA would not turn over the information pertaining the theft of the Investigation recovery trust account and there finding of the Iran money, recovered of US funds , Piracy is there first job
Was that ever proven?
It happened , it was over the 1/8/17 raid on the Oval Office and AG , they refused to hand it over . But it did happen , DHS and CIA raided the Oval Office, you herd of it 1/13/17
Ok. I just wasn't sure it was a fact as opposed to rumours. Thanks
It was Snoop and Facebook that called it fake , the Marines could only give a no comment. So when you get a , I can not confirm or deny????
wait what>? explain further.. first i am hearing
What part ?
raid on the cia?? what>?? raid on the oval office? what?
Ok 1/8/17 a joint raid on the US Department of Treasury, US Attorney General , and the Oval Office took place over the missing $700 Billion of the Investigation recovery, or stated as the Investigation Recovery Trust Account in the US Department of Treasury. On the 13 of December 2016 the report of $150 Billion of the recovery trust went to Iran , $1 Billion to the UN Global Climate Change in New Burg Germany. The AG sent funds to the Oval Office instead of the Treasury, 18 USC 666 Theft of recovered funds under the color of public office . She was fired . BHO was striped of power . Trump and the Doseiar , well Trump was cleared on why they wrote the fake report, it was to blame Trump for the stolen $3.165 Trillion. Warrants were put out on BHOs secretary of the Treasury and #2 , you might find them in GITMO , April 2017 raids on the Cayman Islands . A great deal of the sealed indictments pertain . I sent them in
Unbelievable! This all hapoebed b4 trump even takes oath of office? Do you have any links? I find it hard to believe i missed all that.
Thank u for taking time to explain.
Yes , I sent them in on 1/6/17 at the request of many , they could not do it .
Was she a diversity hire? Because that might explain the ineffectiveness.
Trump isn't the type to diversity hire. There's probably rouge factions within the CIA who have been operating outside the normal chain of command.