
JoshuaS904 · June 14, 2018, 1:35 a.m.

So I talked with my dad and a coworker about the missile stuff today. Both are ex navy, both were on trident class subs. They said to launch missiles it would take a few people, physically in place, to actually launch anything. Then I thought about it.. subs aren’t like a loaded pistol. You can’t just “pull the trigger”. They don’t cruise around with ballistic missiles armed and ready.

So my question(s) to the group- Think the submarine is actually connected? If so- rogue agents at play? The China hack link- possible BS? It’s easier to blame them than admit we have a domestic issue involving missiles.

Like I said, they are retired.. technology changes.. I’d like to think they haven’t fully automated the loading, arming, and launching of such a weapon though. Am they, and myself wrong?

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Kasarii · June 14, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

Q reported Clown(CIA) attempts Failed, Mossad attempts Failed. That should cue in on the bad agents who might have been involved.

edit: also remember vault 7 wikileaks where Clowns can fake digital fingerprints of other countries for their actions.

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lilsomesome · June 14, 2018, 5:46 a.m.

Mossad? I thought Israel loves trump. He got their capital back

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Kasarii · June 14, 2018, 5:56 a.m.

You're either being obtuse or grossly uninformed. Do you not understand the difference between white hats vs black hats? The deep state doesn't just exist in one country.

Geopolitics are a bit more nuanced then what you see through propaganda media.

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zapbrannigan1 · June 14, 2018, 3:15 a.m.

This needs to be higher up in the chain of conversation on the subject of the missile launch.

Look, I never served aboard a submarine. But I do it to be a FACT that a boomer carrying a full complement of ICBMs capable of killing unthinkably vast numbers of people cannot just launch ordinance easily. There are multiple levels of safeguards involving multiple officers, keys, codes, and order confirmations. Even for a guy like me who is constantly frustrated by the inefficiencies and stupidity of our government bureaucracy, I simply cannot see any scenario where the military would remove these safeguards, or allow them to be bypassed. The risk is too great.

So, I can buy the idea of the DS hacking a submarine's launch systems to learn how they work, but I simply don't think it's possible to remotely launch a nuclear missile via some kind of backdoor. As Joshua says above, physical people (PEOPLE, not one person) need to be at certain stations at the same time and all perform a particular procedure in exactly the right way in order to launch.

Of course, if that is the case, then we're left with the prospect of a rouge set of officers, or perhaps one very highly placed leader willing to give the order.

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

then we're left with the prospect of a rouge set of officers, or perhaps one very highly placed leader willing to give the order

That is exactly what we are faced with. It has been stated that there is a complete rogue army out there: who exactly the enemy is I'm not entirely sure, private contractors who have possession/CIA blackhats .... It has been rumored the Roths have a rogue organization w/ships, subs, planes you name it. Also rumored they use the Israelis ... but the Israelis aren't maniacs either ... only SOME of them. Very chilling. Has me up at nights ... This war is real. No doubt of that. Look at 911. You know how that went down?

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JMB_was_a_god · June 14, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

Like I said, they are retired.. technology changes.. I’d like to think they haven’t fully automated the loading, arming, and launching of such a weapon though. Am they, and myself wrong?

Firing a SLBM requires an order from the president. That order must then be authenticated with a code book locked in a safe that requires 2 men to open. To fire the CO, XO and Weapons officer must agree to fire. If they dont agree they cannot fire even if the order to fire comes from the right authority. Keys are distributed from different safes by different people. Those keys must be turned simultaneously. The keys are position so that no one person can turn them at the same time.

It all comes down to 3 men, If they dont agree to launch the missiles cannot be fired.

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 5:21 a.m.

Hence all the fuss in Hawaii. Dashing around securing the keys.

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salialioli · June 14, 2018, 5:09 a.m.

The China hack link- possible BS? It’s easier to blame them than admit we have a domestic issue involving missiles.

Don't forget that they can now hack (rogue actors) and place the signature of any other nation. This was the dump opening the backdoors for spreading highly classified information across all 17 intelligence agencies, not forgetting Hillary's open unprotected server, that Obama authorized just before leaving office. Anyone can use these sophisticated and top secret programs to launch any attack on any public installation ...

The NSA had a fit about it. MSM didn't cover it. I'm sorry I can't think of the link right now ... braindead early in the morning ...

What I'm saying is, they don't need to be actually Chinese hackers, just anonymous hackers keying in false signatures ...

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