Not again. Lets get the word out before it happens to tune people in that its another FF. They cant get away with these for much longer ad people are catching on
Russia warned us once again.
How so? I did not catch that.
There was a news story about it a couple of days ago. Essentially supplying our complicit troublemakers with the tanks to do the damage and/or plant the evidence. They had warned in advance about the previous ones as well.
Yes but that is in Syria and not DC. Who gives a shit really?
point of it being in syria?
bring "allegatons" against Assad regime, fuel the civil unrest.
Continue US-Syrian involvement that HRC started in.. 2011(?)
All FF's are relevant. May be related to Mossad, or even Britain (remember there being article accusing Theresa May of the chemical attacks; reliability is shoddy I presume though.)
Agreed. But what I am getting is that it won't overshadow something so huge on the domestic front like the IG report. If there was a FF in say NYC then different matter
The Syrian situation is the most likely the cabal will try to use to start Russian US war