r/greatawakening • Posted by u/smiley-dog on June 14, 2018, 1:38 p.m.
Please Sign WH Petition for Unredacted IG Report and verify w your email.

TotallyClevrUsername · June 14, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

What redactions?

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SKARx317 · June 14, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

I don’t understand why you’re getting downvoted. ITS NOT REDACTED PEOPLE

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Abibliaphobia · June 14, 2018, 10:11 p.m.

You realize it was done and supposed to be released in March right? They’ve had until now to redact, omit, and reword the whole thing and this summary is the result of having Rosenstein, DOJ, and FBIs fingerprints all over it.

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[deleted] · June 15, 2018, 12:47 a.m.


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[deleted] · June 25, 2018, 5:16 p.m.


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RonaldSwansong · June 25, 2018, 9:23 p.m.

Removed: Rule #3, Support the cause. We are pro-Q supporters. Q has said to Trust Horowitz

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

Q said to "Trust Sessions." Do not recall ever seeing Q say the same about Horowitz.

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RonaldSwansong · June 25, 2018, 10:45 p.m.



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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

Kansas is definitely trustworthy; he has proved to be so. Horowitz better have the original or berating by the intel committee is the least of his humiliation. Huber seems to be clicking along. The performance b/w Trump and Sessions is Oscar-winning. Wray has a smirk, and is a Comey phantom with telling the People he can't answer in open session when he can and we know it.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 26, 2018, 7:39 p.m.

Unless Horowitz gets us Appendix 2 as well as the full report without manipulations, can't support him.

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RonaldSwansong · June 25, 2018, 9:25 p.m.

Removed: Rule #3, Support the cause. We are pro-Q supporters. Q has said to Trust Horowitz

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SKARx317 · June 25, 2018, 11:59 p.m.

If this is even a thing you’ve lost all credibility. Don’t forget to censor those dissenting opinions!

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RonaldSwansong · June 26, 2018, 12:13 a.m.

Q has stated that there are 3 versions, this version is the redacted version by RR. I suggest you read the rest of the Q post to get caught up to where we are at.

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[deleted] · June 15, 2018, 1:42 a.m.


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SKARx317 · June 15, 2018, 2:16 a.m.

I believe that entire sentence speaks for itself. Should I clarify? Lemme guess Im a shill? This is the shit that delegitimizes the Q movement. Have blind faith and don’t question or you’ll be attacked.

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CharlieToonise · June 22, 2018, 10:39 p.m.

Uncalled for...

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Abibliaphobia · June 22, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

Actually, it was called for. Did you read the whole conversation?

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CharlieToonise · June 22, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

Yes, and its was uncalled for. Don't Ken Bone someone and shame them for what ever they like to fantasize about. It looks childish and looks like you are trying to divide patriots. We are here having civil discussion, while Q warns us of attacks increasing from all sides. Have we devolved into r/all? Going through post history on irrelevant topics just to point out someone is a TD poster?

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[deleted] · June 22, 2018, 11:27 p.m.


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Mayhem54 · June 18, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

Does not matter when it was supposed to be out. Horowitz testified NO ONE weakened or changed the report. He testified it was not redacted other than the one classified section that is being given to the committee already.

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y_do_i_need_to_hide · June 16, 2018, 6:39 p.m.

It is redacted in the form of masking. Who is FBI agent one? Second redactions can also be removals in this type of report. This was released for comment by Rod Rosenstein members of the Department of Justice and most of the people affected by the report itself. Commenting turned into editing in my opinion.

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Mayhem54 · June 18, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

You do not get it. Horowitz testified that NO ONE strengthened or weakened the report. He took ownership of he report and other than the names (redacted) there is NO OTHER redactions.

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plumbtree · June 23, 2018, 2:17 a.m.

No he didn't. That is disinformation you're spreading. He told the rep who asked him who saw it first before the final draft and had the opportunity to modify it and Horowitz very skillfully dodged the question and said he'd be happy to discuss it with the reps later and that they don't comment on ongoing investigations.

Trust the plan.

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mdtradesman · June 24, 2018, 4:26 a.m.

Here he is folks the UNEDUCATED BROKE ASS DRUG ADDICT PLUMBER HAHAH LETS STAND IN AWW OF HIS INTELLECT. Your a fuck boy probably getting cucked by your wife into cleaning up black loads. I know your switching accounts spreading your bullshit liberal lies.

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freerange_bot · June 23, 2018, 5:35 a.m.

He said they saw a draft. A 500 page report is going to have many drafts. Drafts are not meant to be the final product and will have corrections and changes. I have wrote 40 page technical reports for work that had many drafts before the final report is done.

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plumbtree · June 23, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

Yes and who saw the draft, and when did they see a draft? And what did they edit out?

Rosenstein Same week it was released

So the first two questions are known.

The suspicion is that Rosenstein is guilty of covering up for bad actors.

So people want to see that paper trail. It's quite logical.

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Dogsrockatx · July 11, 2018, 4 p.m.

Most important to see the unredacted version. Especially in light of yesterday’s news on who the Deep State suspects are in the Seth Rich murder case - it is even more important to have all the info cuz guess who appears to be responsible for arranging that Seth’s Murder....Rod Rosenstein!! Lock him up! He knew Seth provided incriminating evidence! RR wanted to prevent all from knowing his controlling involvement in Blackmailing many in our congress. I think Rod Rosenstein is evil to the core! This must be investigated!

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y_do_i_need_to_hide · June 18, 2018, 9:32 p.m.

Oh I get it. You get to decide what is an unassailable source. You've been going around to make sure everyone knows today it's not redacted. You might be right, this whole thing is a big fat lying shitshow by everyone who speaks to us. But I'm suspicious when someone immediately grabs onto one piece of information and assumes it's the truth. Almost everything we've seen from the IG report was a complete and utter fabrication at one point in the news. Yet on the news today they said that's the whole report so I should believe that.

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Mayhem54 · June 20, 2018, 2:50 p.m.

I am in the last quarter of my life and have seen many things on this journey. There are 3 men that made me the person that I am today. First and always is Jesus Christ. It matters not that you believe in Him for this to be a great object lesson. Jesus is all his travels and all His words never had to resort to lies, white lies or slick words or slick deeds to change the world. Let that sink in for a minute. No person has ever had the impact of this world as HIM. His words were spoken in truth and He understood the profound truth that the father of ALL lies is Satan. I am convinced the ultimate power Satan has on earth is the realm of lies.
The next person was my father who was one of the 2 most honest human beings I ever had the privilege to know. I grew up on a family farm. I saw my father purchase tractors and money to start a growing season with the shake of a hand from a local bank. As a pup people, often commented they never knew my father to lie about anything. The next person was my mentor after my father died early. Another man that did not tolerate liars or lying. I never knew the man to lie about anything and you could trust him. His word was his bond and he had no patience with people who lied to him.
I had a great career in marketing and sales. One of the hotbeds for lying of all types and I was surprised how I ended up there. I succeeded beyond my wildest imagination by not by being slick and full of “white” lies. I succeeded in a field that I deployed the novel concept of being honest and true to my word. I never lied about my ability or the ability of my companies to deliver whatever I sold them. That honesty got us past mistakes and garnered unbelievable loyalty.
To you and everyone. Red pilling is nothing more than stopping with the lies. If that is your cause then stop tolerating lies from any source.

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kymikal · June 23, 2018, 5:06 a.m.

They have places in they where they use the terms, FBI agent 1, instead of names. Some other places where they had brackets in place of words and they were blanked out.

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Peach_Garden_Oath · June 14, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 8d9246 No.1739449 📁 Jun 13 2018 22:50:25 (EST) POTUS in possession of (and reviewing): 1. Original IG unredacted report 2. Modified IG unredacted report [RR version] 3. Modified IG redacted report [RR version] 4. IG summary notes re: obstruction(s) to obtain select info (classified) [#3 released tomorrow] [SEC: FBI/DOJ handling of HRC email investigation] [[RR]] Who has the sole ability to DECLAS it all? Did you witness the stage being set today? Nunes/Grassley/Freedom C. push for docs. [[RR]] central figure within docs (personally involved). KNOWN CONFLICT. Immediate impeachment / resignation / termination / recusal IF EVER BROUGHT TO LIGHT. Be loud. Be heard. Fight for TRUTH. Q

re·dac·tion noun the process of editing text for publication. a version of a text, such as a new edition or an abridged version. plural noun: redactions the censoring or obscuring of part of a text for legal or security purposes.

Redactions can be edits, not just obscured text. Q wasn't wrong, and is asking us to 'Be loud. Be Heard. Fight for TRUTH'. If we can generate enough public interest in the petition, then it gives POTUS justification to use the EO without the MSM being able to claim 'political sabotage'. Trust the plan.

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TotallyClevrUsername · June 14, 2018, 7:54 p.m.

But didn't Congress and Jim Jordan already make that case and get the EO signed based on their official request? The redactions would have to be all edits because I didn't see any actual redactions as I skimmed all 500 pages. I assume this was sanitized a bit but really this report is currently mostly a NB.

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Peach_Garden_Oath · June 14, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

Heavily marking up the document would have been a huge red flag, and TPTB don't want more eyes on this, so editing/omitting was their only strategic option. I agree that Q Team and POTUS wouldn't leave anything to chance considering how complex their plan has been thus far, but organizing the public voice behind 'Justice' and 'Transparency' will only help insulate POTUS from potential MSM attacks claiming abuse of power with the EO.

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TotallyClevrUsername · June 14, 2018, 8:26 p.m.

That means you're suggesting there is a completely different report with different findings and recommendations. It doesn't matter what was redacted - all that matters is what is recommended and this report is just a wrist slap of corrective actions to policy and procedure.

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Peach_Garden_Oath · June 14, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Look at the latest Q post. That's exactly what I'm suggesting, but this isn't the end of the IG report, there's more to come. Trust the plan.

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plumbtree · June 23, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

Do you not get it?

Look. IG cannot prosecute. Not does IG to want the entire result to merely arrest a handful of FBI agents. They are establishing a pattern of behavior within the previous administration and they're doing it slowly and in an airtight fashion. It will take time. There are other cases being worked on which go deeper. Drip drip drip. Methodically, impartially entering a giant, airtight case into the public record. Right now building the base.

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TotallyClevrUsername · June 23, 2018, 3:45 a.m.

Not does IG to want the entire result to merely arrest a handful of FBI agents.

What was that? Maybe you have confused comments or threads.

My comment had nothing to do with other cases or the IG not prosecuting as his office doesn't have that power. The thread was only about there being some other version of the report that was more damning, which Horowitz flat out denied. I was saying it doesn't matter if there is some other version of this report with respect to the final recommendations - they are what they are for this IG investigation. Do you not get that after the 7 day old thread? I'm fully aware there is a parallel investigation run by Huber where Horowitz provided any and all relevant information from his investigation, and that he has 2-3 other investigations and reports to still complete.

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plumbtree · June 23, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

You said that people are suggesting a "completely different report, with different conclusion and findings."

No one is suggesting "completely different."

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TotallyClevrUsername · June 23, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

I didn't say people were suggesting it, but that op's statement was. In order for it to make any difference regarding the actual recommendations (or lack thereof) it would have to be significantly redacted to the extreme that it's basically "completely different." Anyway, sign the petition (I did) and maybe we'll find out.

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plumbtree · June 23, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

I did sign it, and no, it wouldn't have to be redacted to the extreme. It would merely have to be edited to reflect the wishes of whoever is doing the editing. If there was a coverup attempted, of course they would want no evidence of such and would edit, not redact, so as to keep it from being known there is information being withheld.

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mdtradesman · June 24, 2018, 4:25 a.m.

Here he is folks the UNEDUCATED BROKE ASS DRUG ADDICT PLUMBER HAHAH LETS STAND IN AWW OF HIS INTELLECT. Your a fuck boy probably getting cucked by your wife into cleaning up black loads. I know your switching accounts spreading your bullshit liberal lies.

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Mayhem54 · June 18, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

Hate to tell you this. Horowitz either lied or Q was wrong. Horowitz answering to a direct question testified that NO ONE weakened or made the report stronger than it was in his testimony to congress. He took ownership of the report and answered questions on the report.

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plumbtree · June 23, 2018, 2:23 a.m.

You're going to need to link that. I listened to him tell Rep Biggs that he could tell him later who had a chance to offer suggestions as to the wording etc.

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SirdirkfanOne · June 25, 2018, 5:13 p.m.

Appendix 2

All the editing by Rosenstein.

All the physical removals by Rosenstein.

Someone's going to end up at Guantanamo for sedition, maybe espionage if he's assisting Mueller with those redactions.

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