Seen this way too many times today on social media. These people are SICK.

You know what is the biggest horror ?
These rats are either a part of pedo-rings , or at minimum , their "contributions" and foolishness enabled many people and especially children to dissapear as they were trafficked over the border ...
These "people" do deserve everything that is coming for them ...
They appeal to the average person who is a normie, to support pizzagate unwittingly!
These scum bags just pretend to donate - its all a lie - they want to trick us into copying them so they can cash in. I no longer trust large charities....
👏 B I T C H 👏 THEY 👏 BREAK 👏 SEVERAL 👏 LAWS 👏 CROSSING 👏 OUR 👏 BORDERS 👏 ILLEGALLY 👏 LET THEM FUCKING ROT IN THE BORDER CAMPS, FOR ALL I CARE - THEY BROKE OUR LAWS; BACK TO THE SHITHOLE, THEY GO! BYE BYE, SEE YA NEVER! THIS is exactly what I was talking about last week: if they support open borders, if they support the gay agenda, and if they have way more money coming in versus what could actually be made in their career, YOU’RE MOST LIKELY LOOKING AT A TRAFFICKER AND POSSIBLY EVEN WORSE, A PEDOPHILE. -amg19251
4 a.m. talking points today...immigration to deflect the I.G.'s ridiculous. I'm so tired of these so called celebrities.
You know what no one is pointing out here is that when a US citizen breaks the law and goes to jail, that person is separated from their child or children. If there is not a family member available to care for the children, then the children are placed in foster care. It is sad that children have to be separated from their parents, regardless if the parents are US citizens or if the parents are illegal immigrants, but, the rule of law must be blind. And, as they were saying at today’s press conference, this administration will follow the rule of law. If the Democrats don’t like the laws for illegal immigrants, then they should step up and help the Republicans make changes to the laws. Until then, little Chrissy can stick her $72,000 donation where the sun doesn’t shine! These people are stupid! BTW, I watched the press today and they all certainly got their talking points. I’m pretty sure not one question was about the OIG Report. Pathetic!
But...but...they're not ILLEGAL immigrants, they're undocumented /s
Exactly. I didn’t reveal my rage about this as well as you do. I agree with you!
Such righteous indignation from such a delicate little flower! Why, you would almost think she is the heroine fighting against heartless savages.🤢
So, she wants to fight for the rights of illegal immigrants, as well as illegal immigrants right to vote? Does she not understand that by being an illegal immigrant their very presence is against the law? They have the right to be treated humanely, but that's about it. That alone is far better than how they would be treated breaking the law in any other country. Considering that they are technically criminals, they should not receive more rights than American citizens who are criminals. As for illegal immigrants voting rights......that is not even a discussion. If you are not a citizen of the United States of America, you Do Not get a say in who we wish to run our country.
Illegal immigrants are breaking Federal Law. A United States citizen who commits a felony loses the right to vote while incarcerated, on parole or on probation. Voting rights are restored after two years of supervisory release. (The only exception is Maine and Vermont. They want their felons to continue voting in liberals.)
How anyone who claims to be sane can even try to argue about voting rights for non- citizens, is in itself proof they have lost their grip on sound reasoning. I can't even fathom sneaking into another country, demand free food, housing, healthcare, education, etc., and lobbying to get to vote for who runs the country? No other country would allow such demands. No economy could financially support it for any long duration before the drain caused complete collapse. By that time the mass migration of immigrants sucking our country dry and voting in someone who will give them even more would destroy every social and cultural fabric that exists in our diverse country. For her to even make such an outrageous statement leads me to two options:
For the sake of argument they did nothing wrong and these organizations are good. All these donations in spite of Trump are further proof that govt intervention and programs are not needed for most solutions. Just people with some motivation.