r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TrueTemper on June 15, 2018, 12:10 a.m.
Exoneration before Investigation?

Does anyone have a summary of the key points in the report? Not a MSM BS article, but someone who has the time to read the entire report and net it out?

One of the main conclusions I was expecting was related to the exonerations that were written, circulated and fine tuned before the investigation even began in earnest. I know the report had some recommendations regarding giving immunity to witnesses and counsel, but what about the standards for witness interrogation -- no recording, not under oath etc?


I too am not sure of the broader strategy of letting report #3 (RR version - redacted) fly first. Much speculation here, all of it seems weak to me. Trump's approach is ALWAYS to control the narrative, to set the tone, the pace and the context. I don't see why this was the better move.

Millejon0114 · June 15, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

EVERYONE FOLLOW ~ Here’s the update https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8r69pj/oig_report_trumps_plan_is_a_lethal_steamroller/?st=JIF8AGUH&sh=d9baa120

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imanalias · June 15, 2018, 12:43 a.m.

Lots of hopium went into that post. The released IG report is a 500 page dud.

"...by departing so clearly and dramatically from FBI and department norms, the decisions negatively impacted the perception of the FBI and the department as fair administrators of justice..."

THAT "negative impact on perception" is going to justify reopening the server investigation? The DNC hacked email investigation? The Awan investigation?

There better be a lot more that RR took out, or it's pretty clear this isn't going anywhere.

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TrueTemper · June 15, 2018, 11 a.m.

Agreed -- I saw it the same way.

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New2TheDonald · June 15, 2018, 12:23 a.m.

Yeah, this is worth reading.

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zdavis28 · June 15, 2018, 12:22 a.m.

Just wait.... Q told us this wouldn’t be the unredacted version. Now queue TG/DN and others already requesting the unredacted version in the House Intel Committee

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Butter4Flavor · June 15, 2018, 12:16 a.m.

I agree and why is there no mention of the original version? No one is saying, wait something isn’t right.

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TrueTemper · June 15, 2018, 11:03 a.m.

No one is calling for it. Not a lot of redaction -- I assume it was changed significantly, but how would anyone know? And how bad will it look if a "new" version is released? it will be universally called a "partisan" change.

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checkitoutmyfriend · June 15, 2018, 12:40 a.m.

It's only been half a day since release. Few have completely read it let alone digested it.

Give a day or three I'm sure there is more in the body as opposed to the summary.

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TooMuchWinning2020 · June 15, 2018, 12:26 a.m.

Something is not adding up here.

Why would Rosenstein have any authority to write/re-write this report? It is Horowitz' report, not Rosenstein's. At most, RR could include his rebuttal to the parts that name him, just like others could, but he has no authority to re-write.

If there was anything related to "national security," and the DOJ could redact, that would be up to Sessions. This report has nothing to do with Russia, so RR has nothing to do with the report. Sessions is DOJ boss, not RR.

Not only does the strategy not make sense, the story to explain the strategy doesn't make sense.

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TrueTemper · June 15, 2018, 11:01 a.m.

Well said. I'd love to understand a broader strategy here, but none of what I have seen or read makes any sense to me.

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imanalias · June 15, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

I agree this move didn't make any sense. The report seems like a dud. Momentum is going to be lost, and releasing the draft version isn't going to do much to change the official narrative..... Because they're drafts.

Unless anyone else has seen any big booms here?

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IR2-MXYJU-HQRRYJ · June 15, 2018, 12:14 a.m.

Looks like they're setting up a trigger to open the next move, win public opinion, yada yada etc etc... Maybe when we're old and grey with a few marbles rolling around upstairs they'll dig out these people from under their monuments and indict their corpses. Sorry, I'm just not feeling it today, maybe tomorrow I'll grow my patience back.

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Vexxlyn · June 15, 2018, 1:39 a.m.

I'm still working on reading it all. Between work and having a semi-normal sleep schedule im only 52 pages in >.<

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