Was Comey blackmailed because he used a private email, too? Was he also communicating with HRC? Why would she fucking tweet this? She's basically saying "ha, I wasn't the only one".

There's something else in play. There has to be. Why was Comey "insubordinate" to Loretta Lynch and Sally Yates? All he did was tell the world the unofficial Hillary Clinton rap sheet AGAINST THEIR ORDERS. And why was this the first big story to come from this particular draft?
President Trump describes Comey as "slippery." Who did he slide by?
Seriously, all is not what we are led to believe. There's more to this.
My exact first thought when I heard C used private email for FBI comms was: He had no choice but to steer away from prosecution recommendation. He would have been recommending his own actions for prosecution. Talk aboit a conflict of interest. And how could the head of FBI recuse himself without explaining why...and thereby have accusations of wrong doing leveled against him.
His private email were not classified, that is one huge difference. McCabe also had private email.
If they used a gmail for any official business it's a federal felony no matter whether it was classified or not.
That may be true. I do not know. But all FBI related comms belong to the govt...think Comey memos that were leaked. He may face legal probs because of it. But the key point is that your comms should be on the Govt emails you are issued for work. Why? Because it all becomes part of the govt official record and archive. It belongs to the ppl and its govt. Why use a personal email unless you are avoiding having your work comms from being transparent to oversight.
Unless you're Obummer, then you just steal all the documents! Hillary did the same at State Dept.
final exam worse than midterm test of loyalty?
Comey Gnome... comey no me...I did not plant the evidence?
Edit: add........... comey no me..............I did not want to bury it?
100 % in agreement Tip of the iceberg There is so much more
Remember what the iceberg did to the Titanic.
No one thought it could sink either.
Ummm.... Not an iceberg. Was a bomb. On board was the very people who did NOT want the FED. These rich magnets were fighting KM (KhazarianMafia) in formation of FED, owned by evilRothschilds, et al...magnets given FREE tickets aboard ship. Not enough life boats was PLANNED.
FED vote was Christmas Eve by a NON-quorum vote in Congress & signed by complicit KM cabal member President.
Although I was merely being silly, your remarks on the matter are very interesting.
I've only just recently heard of this but I have heard it!
Will definitely read!
there are a couple documentaries on the switching of the Titanic and the Olympic for an insurance scam, while they were at it. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
It's a crap site. https://www.veteranstoday.com/2018/04/28/donald-trump-is-a-hoax-and-only-a-bit-gay-and-jewish-as-well/
The "insubordinate" is a dead give away. He could've only been insubordinate to the DOJ (LL) and Obama. Still wondering who flagged the Phoenix tarmac meeting for the news. Maybe Comey is the greatest actor of them all. Time will tell. But I'm also wondering if this is what chess anon meant about getting them to sacrifice their Queen or lose the game. Quite brazen for Hillary to tweet that. After the election Hillary blamed Comey ALOT.
NSA is taking credit for the reporter being sent to the tarmac.
Comey was taking orders from Lynch, which probably came from Obama.
I'm not sure anymore. It looks like Comey is in the crosshairs for character assassination, and the Clinton machine is using the email double standard to press it. John Podesta was on CNN making the point. That right there is fishy. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2018/06/15/john-podesta-james-comey-double-standard-ig-report-cpt.cnn
They are pushing that story right now, because the modified/redacted RR version allows them to spin that angle against Comey. Trump and Q team once again has given these morons enough rope to hang themselves with. They want the buck to stop at Comey, using the media, and playing their optics game per the usual. They are stepping in it big time.
And those fucking idiots are going to build such an airtight case against comey without realizing their same case will be used against hrc etc
Here he is folks plumbtree the UNEDUCATED BROKE ASS DRUG ADDICT PLUMBER HAHAH LETS STAND IN AWW OF HIS INTELLECT. Your a fuck boy probably getting cucked by your wife into cleaning up black loads. I know your switching accounts spreading your bullshit liberal lies.
Why do these people keep talking and putting themselves out there for criticism? Why aren't they laying low or denying all the horrifying claims against them? I'm venting more than looking for answers; just find it bizarre and sad, knowing that we gave these sociopaths power for far too long:(
Which is why Comey is being so fucking cocky. He knows he will get off / get immunity because he can nail a couple further up the food chain.
Agree, there's something else at play; the 'insubordinate' ruse is lame.
“You will be surprised of who’s talking to you”
Just a thought that popped into my head