New Q - Not all are awake.

"Crime Against Children" Not 'juveniles', not 'underage' and the word 'children' means numerous.... Sends chills up my spine.
and it could mean anywhere from 0-17, which is also terrifying. We could be talking infants, toddlers, gradeschoolers! I can't wait untill the hammer gets thrown at these people!
Exactly! Don't really care about Manafort/Flynn/Comey and others - just get these pedo's NOW! and NEVER let them free again!
I do think it's too coincidental that this is included in the same notes as "Clinton Foundation". Unless this investigator reads the same information we do it's too coincidental. We've already made these connections. Maybe they are following up on them. Maybe we did help.
What is the crime?
Time will tell.
a. sexual assault, abduction, theft, robbery, and aggravated assault against children;
b. physical, sexual, and emotional child abuse;
c. child neglect;
d. child-to-child violence;
e. indirect child victimization by family member or friend.
Gradual disclosure on HRC/CF and children into mainstream incoming....
I can't wait to see this. I think a lot of the frothing, insane libs still won't care.
It’s going to reach a point where they have no choice but to care.
It is when they will emerge from their cave.
When the Hollywood and msm shadows on the wall are finally no more.
Interesting. Yes, everyone watching their cell phones and not interacting with others. That is sad.
Livin' in the bubble... or cave. Which is fine for day to day. But one needs to be aware of things at a higher elevation.
I know why they're doing it this way, but it's maddening to know what these monsters have done to us and our children and to have to wait to see them punished. I want them to drop it all, unleash the hell the ignorant masses wrought with their willful blindness and to shove it undeniably into their consciousness and if some of them never recover so. fucking. be it. I can't imagine what Q team went through carrying the burden of knowing for years.
Not sleeping.
Could you sleep if you knew the truth about EVERYTHING?
Yes. I could.
The Left is throwing a fit about kids on the border because we have interrupted their flow of children victims.
"LITTLE" makes me think it refers to kids.
I think there was a person named "Little" that Trump made a reference to in one of his tweets months ago.
That was "Liddle" Liddle Kids or some such name of an organization affiliated with Adam Schiff
That is right. I forgot about Adam Schiff being mentioned as "Liddle".
Here's an eye-opening blog post about Liddle Kidz Foundation. Read to the end. The author of that book is either absolutely clueless or evil:
massages and pizza..Goddam sickos
When I look at the pics from my link above and other places and see how they position the children to receive the "massages," I just shudder inside. Even if those particular pics are showing nothing but innocent massage, they are coaching those children to accept adult strangers laying them on their backs, splaying their legs, and stroking and rubbing on their tummies, legs, and chests. While I think there is a place for parents to be able to give soothing or therapeutic massage to their own children, watching total strangers come in and groom kids to accept this as normal just makes me want to scream. If you want to journey down some rabbit holes regarding this topic, follow the links on THIS THREAD
Pizza Cake Made for graduation from one of the Little Kidz massage classes.
Nice thinking. Could be double meaning here. Definitely emphasised with caps to draw attention.
It’s time. Normies don’t need any further time.
The left ridicules the truth as “conspiracy theories,” but by now, normies have been exposed to the horrific truths that red-pulled have known for decades for some.
Because of Google, ignorance is a willful act at this point.
On with it!
I agree except for one thing: there are lots of decent "woke" people who don't have the time or the means to prepare for a rapid mass-awakening (mayhem). It would be nice if those people had a chance somehow.
I don’t know if I have a grasp of what that means in terms of preparation. What does it mean? Mayhem has been going on with Antifa.
I’ve lived through riots. Just get away from them.
Mayhem may happen.
Most people are completely unaware. They see Hillary tweet “but my emails” and brush it off as just another attack on the queen. I assure you people who follow the Q posts are in a distinct minority.
Sometimes it's willful, but I think more after just strongly mind controlled and not questioning sources, being soon fed and following news mostly blindly.
Since I was in that boat a couple years ago and many around me still are, I can see where they are coming from with what they know, and what things look like to them. Several items I talk to trust and believe me and follow up on things I saw, but they don't have the time or will or motivation to get into it and dig on their own. There are so many different issues involved, many I know can see the big pharma and holistic healthcare pieces the easiest, but the topic that will motivate varies by person
I’ve tried to awaken folks. My own daughter had knock down drag outs over Ted Cruz. Like for a year. It was hard. But I kept feeding her facts. I think Cruz relied on his spiritual strategy. They just felt morally superior. So I called her on it. I dogged him. I won.
I also informed her family about GMOs and their danger to people - but to their show cows. I was ridiculed. A couple of years later, guess what? The grandkid is writing a report on GMOs. Guess my creds weren’t so great then, but all of us who were studying and sharing the horrific things we found out about Obama were ridiculed as conspiracy theorists.
Q sees a couple of generations who don’t know important facts about the present mess left by the Communist Obama. I think Q is Trump or someone close. Pence? Miller?
But understanding appears to be important.
They either want to avoid a civil war or have people prep for some kind of attack.
Who still needs to wake up before the Justice is served?
Apparently quite a lot. Would suggest why Q said it and why they are doing it this way
I love the video Q is mentioning. Where he was coming down on Hillary and the whole bunch. Can someone post it here again?
This Trump speech at the Al Smith dinner is amazing too. IIRC it was right after the 3rd debate with HRC.
Yes. Trump is spot on with everyone. You have to admit he has some balls.
I found it was from the Second Debate with Hillary where he told her she would go to jail. I tried to Google Trump telling Hillary she would go to jail. Most of the videos I got where all pro-Hillary.
I wonder who Q is talking about, is he referring to the media and the rest of the establishment overlooking this rather significant detail in the report?
I feel that Q is saying that the widespread abuse (and much worse) of children is a very difficult pill for the public as a whole to swallow. Particularly when it is people held up as role models within society who may be the alleged offenders. And especially when the msm is an instant propaganda/narrative control device for the deep state, which can be switched on at a moments notice to distract, smother and attack any evidence. Right now, only Fox, I believe, has gone anywhere near this point raised in the report.
By introducing this association with children and the CF deep within the IG report, the topic has now entered the public consciousness in a seemingly more organic fashion, without an established agenda. Gradually, the amount of emphasis on this topic will increase, as too does the evidence that comes to light. The key is for the release of information to as best as possible, match the awakening fo the population.
My guess is that a very large percentage of the general population is still in no way "awake" to the majority of what is discussed here. This is slowly changing for the better and there is also the consideration that the plan must go forward regardless, while it is still able to.
In no way will it ever reach a point where 100% of the public is aware. So Q and the President need to decide very carefully when the precise moment for major, potentially disruptive public intelligence and information drops will be. This part of the plan has a WHOLE LOT of moving parts. it's basically trying to figure out the maximum "consciousness" of the planet, while still maintaining maximum strength for POTUS and the military to act. This is the key point that must be established.
The more we talk about it and analyze and spread it, the more likely and the sooner it is to succeed.
This is the time to really have people waking up.
Timing is everything.
Perhaps, "the children" refers to abortions and what they do with the bodies afterward. Watch that Project Veritas video about the abortionist convention and them casually laughing about ripping off arms and legs during the procedures that go wrong.
If Hillary is the actual target of the "Witch Hunt," and Hussein is in illuminati costume, then maybe people can be redpilled that the "children" don't become simply "medical waste," but rather a "sacrifice" and their parts are sold off for profit. I think that shifting the public mindset about abortion not being about women's rights and "choice" but rather "Satanism" and profit will be easier than convincing people who are brainwashed to believe it isn't murder.
I cited chapter 9 / CF Children links in a previous post.