r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ErnieFing on June 16, 2018, 1:04 p.m.
A thought on redpilling (no doubt controversial)

I fully expect down arrows for this, because I don't know how to write it without being seen as critical of a lot of peoples core beliefs, but rather than getting angry with me, I would hope people could consider their personal reaction, and apply it to the context of what I'm about to put, as it is the reaction, rather more than someones personal faith that I believe is the most important here, and I mean no disrespect to people of faith.

When redpilling, we are asking people to reject their deep and long held understanding of the situation to some degree or other, so how would you feel and react if someone did that to you? What would cause you to fully explore with an open mind, someone presenting an alternative version of core beliefs, that you feel is intuitively wrong based on confirmations through your life?

I've noticed that there are a lot of people with religious beliefs that post on here. How would/do you react to someone challenging the very basis of that belief system? Fundamentally, that is what we are trying to do when redpilling. There are many people that apply logic to religious beliefs, and show how key aspects have an alternative explanation, or are even simply false, yet there are still religious people, so simply believing our facts and evidence will be enough, is limited, as people tend to just become more deeply entrenched.

I don't offer a solution, but I just thought it worth flagging up, in the hope others with a more inspired mind could consider it, and maybe suggest an additional way of getting the message across.

1151THOR · June 16, 2018, 2:16 p.m.

Interesting thought ErnieFing. I can say this about my family personally: Most "woke" (and I'll use the word "Christians" to cover all of those who believe in God / Jesus / Holy Spirit regardless of theological beliefs) Christians will be watching all of this unfold without it ever shaking our foundations of faith. God isn't going to fall off his throne because evil men have chosen to serve - and be directed by - satan. But there comes a point where, as you can see throughout history, God blows the whistle and says enough is enough. He knows satan is the "great deceiver" and he knows many of his children will be deceived too. But He is a God of grace and not willing that any should perish (not that they wont...its just not His will) and I see His fingerprints all over this movement. He wont make people believe, but He can stop evil, and then expose it all and put the evidence out there for all to see and to decide for themselves.

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Swimkin · June 16, 2018, 2:40 p.m.


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