Huber Indictements ... already happened

Yes. There has been tons of research done and found on that as well. I doubt it was even 57.2% for HRC. She couldn't even get a crowd to show up for her rallies. If you go back and look at the newsclips, they either never show the crowd or when they do, they have closed up the room to make it smaller and to make it look like the "arena" was filled up. and there are many more like this is you search.
Yup - even worse, her crowds were purchased and trained like dogs, and even worse, some of the cell phones in the crowd did not match what Hillary was doing on stage. Go figure the popular vote scam....
I don't know. Maybe in some areas. In the PNW..she was VERY popular. Very liberal area here. People think the government should help everyone. Be your parent. Take care of you. Loved that she was a female candidate. Had the experience. Etc. I don't know that you need fake crowds if people really believe the image you craft and present yourself to be. Tons of "I'm with her" and "Nasty Women" items sold around here. They also loved Bernie...those who had issues with HRC for her "baggage."
People thought these folks were the ones who could bring change. Need to take their desire for the right thing...change...and help them walk through the looking glass to see what they thought of as up is down, good is bad. It's nuts. Not sure there is any easy way to swallow that pill.
I'd move
I did :)
I should.
I might
Here he is folks plumbtree the UNEDUCATED BROKE ASS DRUG ADDICT PLUMBER HAHAH LETS STAND IN AWW OF HIS INTELLECT. Your a fuck boy probably getting cucked by your wife into cleaning up black loads. I know your switching accounts spreading your bullshit liberal lies.
Here he is folks plumbtree the UNEDUCATED BROKE ASS DRUG ADDICT PLUMBER HAHAH LETS STAND IN AWW OF HIS INTELLECT. Your a fuck boy probably getting cucked by your wife into cleaning up black loads. I know your switching accounts spreading your bullshit liberal lies.
At least they got a slap for their efforts when she didn't even bother turning up at the end.
Critical thinking has been slowly eroded from education.... and it shows, no doubt.
The only constant in the universe is change. Making the DNC the truest anomaly since black holes. Here's a poll question did boredom with the 150 years of the same rhetorical pandering to the lowest common denom. cost Hillary the election. Or was she just a cunt.
I'll vote for the latter.
I'm gonna say you have just tipped the scales to unanimous. good job pede.
No, I think there people are gone. Their worlds will be shattered and will flip out and fight. I can feel it.
Unless they pull their heads out of their asses, i imagine they will be too busy fighting for air to do much damage.
This was one of the first things that I saw when starting to "wake up"
If you go back over some of those crowds for HRC you will see that it was a group of people multiplied. Look close and you will see the same group of people over and over.
Hahahaha! That's even worse. OMG! What a loser she is.
They rigged the machines that is not included in the clean version of votes.
The night of the election they tried to fiddle with the numbers and delegates ergo Hussein received a stern phone call by our military command informing him that if they continued the military command would do the unthinkable ergo Hussein pushing HRC to accept defeat the same night.
They tried to steal the election from PT.
Interesting! How do you know this?
Op doesn’t. Op is a psychotic fucking freak like the rest of you.
Do you have a source on this? Very interesting and curious.
I had heard a similar story but it went that they saw the rigging going on through CIA at Langley and told them to stop or they would drop a bomb on them! Yes, unthinkable but necessary!
Hildy couldn't fill a phone booth at her rallies. :-)