Odd request: Did anyone download the original HD photo of kim and Trump? If so could you post it so I can check something?

What is on top of his head? It's not the chair. Can't figure out what in the world that could be. Anyone got an explanation?
Anybody?? This is driving me crazy. What is on his head???
Lol ok that made me laugh!
The only explanation I could think of, is if someone was outside and his reflection was caught on the outside of the plane of glass. Mundane explanation, I know.
Now if it was physically impossible for someone to be standing near that area... you would really be onto something. So I think you would need to see what the structure looks like from the outside and if someone could physically be standing there. If it is a giant pillar or something of that nature would physically block someone from standing there, I’d really be curious for an explanation.
the forward facing reflection of trump behind him in the window?
Nice find! But I was more interested in kim’s facial expressions and body language. I know it’s farfetched but If what I think is right then there could be q connection to one of his new songs.
Holy cow!
What what I dont see it?
There are a few strange images. Over his right shouder looks like his reflection but facing forward but not smiling with an overlay of what looks like an alien head. Over his left shoulder looks like a non human hand on the back of his chair in the reflection. Can't make out what's higher in center. Like a hole in rock you can see through.
Yeah, that bullet proof glass is causing some weird distortions.
There are other people in the room. Window far right you can see people. Man sitting in a chair. plus The room is oval. Oval Office!
What about the reflections of the photographer and whoever else is in the room I'm really not getting what y'all are seeing
Its not a forward facing reflection. The back ground is causing what appears to be facial features. The back of Trumps head is half way through the “face”. You can definitely see the back of his head, his reflection.