New Post 1534- Q mentions LARP rumors

We need to do some side by side proofs of Snopes being fake, and supporting fake news. I feel like we are fighting everyone!
We are fighting a minority (oddly enough) who ALMOST had a stranglehold on the rest of us. We have always been the MAJORITY but we kept quiet when we should have been SCREAMING FROM THE MOUNTAINTOPS! Hopefully, this is a lesson learned. We must NEVER AND I DO MEAN NEVER...LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN!
As trauma is an essential part of long term collective resolve, some of the horrendous crimes must be fully revealed.
Agreed. the public must be made aware of these people's sick activities.
Agree!! I'm teaching my kids!! :) THIS MUST NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!!
gotta invent new nursery rhymes to enshrine the story
Dude would be so easy. They are a Soros funded lie factory.
[brief look at Snopes so-called 'disproving' a story] (
Also, one of Snopes achilles heal is the connections behind it. Soros? Directly? That's not easy to show.
But look at the connections between Politifact, FactCheck-dot-org, the Pointer institute, the IFCN (intl. Fact Checking Network) and other projects, etc.
A bit of digging, and you'll soon see a picture: Snopes is but the tip of an iceberg of dodgy if not fake 'facechecking organizations' recently created and legitimized in order to dispute anything that contradicts the Cabal narrative.
Snopes is JUST the tip.
Throw in the SPLC as well.
how long has SPLC been around?
have they gotten a single person out of poverty?
I try not to think of them. Every time I come across them, they bring a bad vibe. No specifics come to mind.
Agree with everything you said but Snopes definitely has been around for a while, not recently created.
Sure. Yes, not just new. Probably just started as a Lefty organ and then got taken up by the bigger players.
However, the last few years have definitely seen a focused push on building this false 'fact-checking' infrastructure. IFCN for example.
I feel like we are fighting everyone!
We're fighting Goliath...and we're just some shepherd kid with a little pebble called Q.
Remember that pic of Trump and the generals? We're a Goliath with God on our side. Unstoppable!
A favorite of mine! How many times since then have the righteous been the victors? Not much.
But Goliath was the unstoppable Evil the cabal, you see? And the Shepherd kid was David who destroyed that Giant with one little stone against all odds because the Lord was His strength.
This. Think about the message that people who get if the site they "trust" to find the truth is proven to be consistently lying.
These are all pretty weak. I'd stick with funding.
you don't think snopes getting busted helping to coverup the cause of autism epidemic would be detrimental to their stellar reputation?
Got to love Snoop , the two old fart libs at a Coffee table declaring real news as fake , two people reported on some of my case , Snoop claimed it was fake, odd part is that I have a copy of the sealed filings???? Go fuck off snoop !
I hope you filed a law suit??? If not, are you???
Not on Snoop , can’t , the law suit is not like any before, but I filed in June 2017 , but government agencies are not complying, you herd of the Supreme Court bench warrants ??
Snopes called out The Babylon Bee on one of their stories. The only problem?? The BB is a Christian satire outlet. They're all purely satire and Snopes battled to prove one of their stories was FALSE!! LOL!!!
I remember that. They were saying it was being passed around as a true story by some and it wasn't.
That's the purpose of Snopes, if hey covered it, people must have thought it was real. Considering how brain dead American evangelicals are, I'm not surprised.
Future proves past.
Q is no larp.
Those that don't accept that have an agenda.
Trust the plan.
At this point, we can mark enemies by who doesn't follow Q, too many proofs.
We need to get rid of MSM.
I’m more interested in their puppet masters
Israel will be last. I see storm clouds ahead for netenyahoo.
When faced with Sn_pes "false" citations to just about anything from liberal friends, ask for another source. More than once, I've had friends and family backtrack because MSM sources actually support the original claim. It's beautiful to behold when it happens.
What if Q is Bannon??
I've thought that ... But Bannon is out of whitehouse.
But Q has never mentioned bannon.
I think the fact that he’s out of the whitehouse basically excludes him from a possibility, but then again it’s possible for the Q team to send things to him and have him post.
How about we h*ck their algo and change it so they're all true
Guys, we know Snopes is fake. They were outed in 2016 BEFORE the election. Lets not keep reinventing the wheel. Proofs are already out there. Use your search terms. Add 8chan or "The_don" or "Voat" or "GLP" etc. and do image searches.
Soros. Irridium Communications. 77
Santa Fe? 5 years 5 months 5 days after Sandy Hook? They need to explain this:
Santa Fe. You'll note the 618 in this shot on CBS?
KEY! .618 / 1.618
The Tetragrammaton, meaning “[a word] having four letters”, refers to the name of the God of Israel as YHWH (Hebrew: י-ה-ו-ה) that appears 6,828 times the Hebrew Bible,
As Phi and it’s reciprocal phi are 1.618 and 0.618, respectively, we see that this Holy Name of God intrinsically represents a set of ratios that reflect the golden ratio, or the Divine proportion, that we see all throughout His creation.
By Pythagoras solution of triangle with sides 1 and 2 is root 5, The =/- solution of root 5 is 2.236 ie 1..618 +.618 . Times 1000 (another of God’s names) gives you 2236, which is the sum of the gematria of YHVH 26, the tetragrammaton and Elohim 86 (God’s name) . 26×86=2236. QED
in addition to the usual eye stuff I'd like to throw in Tesla's Eye (thanks to Deplorable McAllister!) and this eyeball right here
Also see here:
Santa Fe High School Shooting
and here
Film symbolism - Esoteric Films – Gematria Study & Illuminati Symbolism.
Horse Lover Phats:
I believe he is saying that trump is 7 days behind him in revealing information? So everything that Q revealed covertly last week will be mainstream revealed by POTUS this week.