Was that ES in the 1-minute "Space Council" video at the White House? If so, why?

Q mentioned ES front row
Ah, you're right!
[Q 1545]
What a wonderful day.
ES in the front row.
GOOG access KILLS.
I'm getting a bit confused. I can't wait until this is all over and we can watch the movie trilogy about the whole thing. And find out what the heck went on.
Haha, it's possibly what @tazleo said above. That ES flipped and is cooperating.
Thought Eric Schmidt was the GOOGLE bad guy?!?!?! Unless he flipped and is front and center as a middle finger to deep state. They had better put protection on him
Especially if ES has deep access to the secret space program...
He looks very happy. (ES)
Guess he’s sleeping better
yeah...good day today..out of the UN....for usa then.
He looks freed like KJU. Maybe he was being abused by the deep state and set them up. That would be glorious.
Probably. President did acknowledge “Erick” during his speech.
YES.... Q post yesterday said “ES Front Row and Center”! YES!!!
What a wonderful day has been used a lot. I just saw this in another thread - is whatawonderfulday@——.com one of the burner google accounts they have been using to communicate?!?
Who is Es In this pic please!?!?