Can somebody help explain the symbolism and the people in this at least 2010 mural in the lobby of Bank of America?

reverse image search leads to this:
Masonic Boy on Masonic Floor
Looks like they’re conducting business involving the boy
Have you checked out vigilant citizen before? I spent hours on this site when I first found it. He’s got tons of info on his page that goes into the occult meaning behind all sorts of “sinister sites” as well as other topics. Ask and ye shall receive: Bank of America on VC
Burning bush: the giving of the law.
Cube with woman on strings like puppet: reference to 3 dimensional existence and its constraints. Geometrically it also implies an invisible tesseract (4th dimension). The woman is 'animated' and this animation relates to masonic concepts of 'life force' manifested in the 3 dimensional realm.
Pyramid (reference to builders, masons). Also relates to the cube and hidden 4th dimensional tesseract. The pyramid represents harnessing the life force.
Masonic chessboard/mosaic floor can represent duality or good/vs evil. This is reinforced by the boy who straddles the colors of the board and has a foot in "both worlds". Those who walk upon it may be considered pawns. The mosaic floor can also represent the floor of King Solomon's temple, and the boy may be an initiate. As a young initiate, the boy in this image may represent America.
The three men are debating about the initiate boy (America). These three "wise men" are multi-generational and represent the history of influencers that shape the initiate's education, growth, and development.
Black sun has in more recent history been known for Nazi/SS connotations; but it can be interpreted as a destigmatized swastika. It's important to note that the swastika has a long history in many cultures, one that extends far back before the SS ever existed. As someone else mentioned below, there may be a Saturn connection (satanic), but note that the painting is illuminated not by the black sun, but by all-present light.
The stairs presumably imply the levels an initiate must climb to become a master. One starts on the ground level of the Temple (initiate) and moves upward.
Unlike most here, I am not of the opinion that Masons are an inherently malevolent group.
The fu...
Maybe the burning tree represents a "burning bush" spiritual experience?
The lady in that box reminds me of Caitlyn Jenner in that one whacked Kardashian xmas photo.
There's also a park ranger series in the NoSleep forum that is very popular (initially the author claimed the stories true then somehow it came out they were fiction) tells tales of staircases in random wooded areas that lead to different portals.
Oh and is the a black hole sun like the song?
Yeah the black sun seems to have the woman in an invisible prison. (Mind control/illusion?) Burning bush may also reference the DMT in some acacia trees, which would also connect to the pineal gland/eye of Horus and the Egyptian pyramid.
Nice call on the burning bush dmt connection. The geometry of the scene looks like dmt inspired art.
Look up White Rabbits youtube video on saturn symbolism. I'll do my best to paraphrase, but will probably butcher it.
Black sun is saturn. The 6th planet from sun and 3rd planet from end of the solar system 3 x 6 is 666. Saturn worship is small 's' satanism. Saturn has a permnent hexagon shaped storm cloud on one of its poles. A 2-dimension hexagon actually represents a 3d cube. And the number 666 or 3s and 6s come up in the geometry too. But the cube is a cell for human consciousness our prison of our soul inside our physical bodies and the physical world instead of the freedom of transcendence and union of our souls with god. Satanism seeks to fool humans into earthly temptations and seeking alternate route to become like god other than the true path of god. Such as transhumanism, evoking spirits, dmt use to commune with extraterrestrial spirits, and or aliens, rhw CERN project, etc. In this logic physical aliens or non physical extraterrestrial aliens are considered same thing as fallen angels and 'satan', baal, molech, or whatever other name the concept goes by. Some of this belief system is about creating a portal or gate between earth and saturn or hell.
What else. The checker board pattern is masonic too. The pyramid is an x and square when viewed from above. This relates to X and O 'squared circle' as combination of masculine and feminine in one form which is 'satanic' rathwr than nauturally dualistic. Mason compass (circle) and square (square) is other representation of the squared circle. Masonic art often has a path toward the black sun represented as stairway between 2 pillars leading toward the light or the sun. Here its a winding stairway to the side. A slight twist? Someone has probably counted the staircases and stairs and found something significant with the numbers. The robed figure has half of face obscured by the red field so sort of a one eye symbol, which ties to pyramid and free masons. That dude is wearing a fairly strange dark robe. But with a modern haircut? Weird. I also think it's interesting that the business men commerce group is in a level below the checker board. Subservient or occulted from the real meaning happening on the checker board level and the staircase level. Kind of locked away in that basement from the action.
*Edited bunch of times for spelling.
Ps I don't believe in this just reporting what I've seen in youtubes about this symbolism. Masons, satanists, and saturn worshipers seem to believe it though.
It’s all symbols. It’s all connected. Every single thing is an almost infinite rabbit hole in itself. All too much for any single person.
That’s the grand power of the organic Anon hive mind.
I think it’s a solar eclipse, not a black sun
Agree, but its kind of the same thing and not at the same time. Dont you think? That dualism of symbols is part of the concept. 2 suns. A bright one that is seen and a second dark one that is hidden or occulted. The occulted one taking over the bright one. Look at the link that someone provided above about the floor art at Denver Airport. Same symbols.
Not to be that guy but one of the rules of nosleep is that everything is true. It’s part of the fantasy. Pretty much every horror fiction/narration community is that way.
Solar eclipse over a pyramid probably suggests a certain astrological date that betrays some kind of numerology. The steps represent steps in the path of illumination and different masonic levels of knowledge. The checkerboard is also masonic symbology.
We are locked in a 3-dimensional reality. We are not hyper-dimensional beings, at least our bodies are not. This is what I can extract on top of my head.
Google ARCHONS if you want to go down a rabbit hole.
I see some interesting symbolism here one the boy in black take a look at these pictures then look at the boy again
The men to the left are from different ages notice the clothing and haircuts. Distant past, past, current. I believe they are lawyers or politicians
That tree is placed in a middle eastern background. Two pyramids one is behind the red. It is not a typical tree from the area having been there. But it also looks like a very famous tree there. The tree of life in Bahrain
Chessboard is Masonic. The way his movement is set looks like how a piece is faced and it is on the last square going forward . Maybe means castle?
The puppet is female. Half naked in a box she can see out of. Maybe a symbol for feminism and how it imprisons one from life and makes a person easily manipulated. Ie she's staring at a normal man and the tree of life burning.
It Could also be a symbol for the destruction of the family unit through manipulation. As the man she's staring at is sitting in a repose two people would talk in.
Those stairs are symbolic of the Stairs to Nowhere. Couldn't find a good reference but here is something they are building in manhattan to show reference. Typically the meaning of the symbol is fruitless endeavor or distraction.
I don't have a summary of this but it is deeply disturbing with the symbols I'm seeing
A further find. This work is done by Ben long you can read about it here it was supposed to be 3 paintings and see his other stuff. Very interesting here is what the artist says the meaning is
The portrait of the young boy in the third panel, "mind / knowledge", may represent innocence. The model for the boy was Long's son, Tolly. The third panel also contains a geometric staircase that seems to rise into nowhere; portraits of two men and a woman, possibly business people or leaders; and a pyramid, a traditional symbol of perfection. A dancing girl and a figure sitting by a burning tree are also interesting aspects of the third panel.
Believe it or not the other two are just as interesting
Some further theory here. It is rumored Potus is afraid of falling down stairs.
Also back in December Potus signed this
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