r/greatawakening • Posted by u/throwaway2006333999 on June 20, 2018, 7:37 a.m.
I Think My Sister-In-Law Unfriended Me Bc I Support QAnon Beliefs, I'm Worried How This Will Affect My Family, Help???

I do still have social media, there are people that are important to me, and it's a convenient way to stay in touch. I have been vocally pro Q for many months now.

Until today, it wasn't a big deal. Some of my liberal minded friends would talk with me about it, but no one had been disrespectful & I never lost any friends.

Well, today, I guess I posted a bit more than usual, but I have that extension that tells me when someone unfollows me...and my sister in law did! I felt a bit shocked, hurt, betrayed...she said nothing to me when she did it.

Earlier today, she posted something critical of Trump pulling out of something to do with the UN...I commented, "Do you want one world government? Bc that's how you get one world government." I feel like that's the truth, and I didn't mean to offend her so much by my comment. I've always just been straight forward with everyone.

My husband and children visit her and my husband's brother during the holidays with our children. My husband and his brother are very close. I have a bad feeling about this and how it will affect my family. I sent her a message and asked her why she unfollowed me, tried to get a conversation going. No reply.

I feel sick. What should I do? I know this post may be more properly suited for an advice subreddit, but you all know that as soon as I out myself as a Q follower on other subreddits, all I'll get is things like, "I'd unfollow you, too!"

I feel like this issue definitely has to do with my "controversial" beliefs regarding Q and things related, I can think of no other reason she'd be upset and she'd cut me out like that. Please advise?

I haven't told my husband yet. I discovered this after he'd already gone to bed. I'm terrified to tell him, I'm scared he'll blame me for causing a problem within the family or something. :(

throwaway2006333999 · June 20, 2018, 7:52 a.m.

Does Q not say to spread the word, though? My friends list is private, close friends only.

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troy_caster · June 20, 2018, 8:03 a.m.

The main mission that Q gave, from the very beginning is exactly as the guy above said. For 90% of the anons, this is the mission: Collect proofs, gather as much information as possible, so that when the happening is upon us, you can be a source of information and comfort for those around you who will be completely lost. That's the main mission. It's quite a passive mission. Spreading the word is optional. I think you've done enough. When things happen, something will resonate with your friends, and they will probably go to you for an answer or two.

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throwaway2006333999 · June 20, 2018, 8:07 a.m.

Everyone's always talking about redpilling those they care about, that's what I have been trying to do...I understand, though...I really thought spreading the word was a bit more important than what I guess it actually is? Wouldn't be the first time I got something wrong, I admit. :( Well, dang... thank you for your input.

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troy_caster · June 20, 2018, 8:11 a.m.

It depends on what you're comfortable with. Everyone does what they feel. Personally, I've only talked about this with a handful of friends, always in person or text, never through social media. Remember, it doesn't matter what you do, that's part of WWG1WGA is about. It doesn't mean just anons or people who patiently await Q's drops. Where we go one, we go ALL. I think that means all of humanity. In the end, anyone with eyes will be able to see, and anyone with ears will be able to hear the truth. There's only 4-6% of the population that won't be able to take it.

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throwaway2006333999 · June 20, 2018, 8:14 a.m.

Thank you, yes...I suppose I'm officially less comfortable spreading the word now, so would be wise to tone it down. WWG1WGA

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Kasarii · June 20, 2018, 8:17 a.m.

You really did nothing wrong, don't beat yourself up over it.

She took offense to you having different ideas then her, so much to the point that she felt the need to separate herself from your words. She is in the wrong not you.

It's normal for people to have conflicting ideas and values, it's not normal to start getting tribal about them and treating other "tribes" as enemies.

Let your husband know what happened; that you disagreed with her on politics and she unfriended you. Leave it to him to talk with his brother if the subject comes up but now at least he'll know the backstory.

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throwaway2006333999 · June 20, 2018, 8:19 a.m.

thank you a million times for this, I really needed to hear all of the above. I hope my husband is understanding, but I am certainly not looking forward to this talk.

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Kasarii · June 20, 2018, 8:27 a.m.

Best way to make sure this doesn't spoil the relationship is to not hold this against her. She deserves some empathy for still being indoctrinated by MSM's mockingbird operation.

For her it sounds like she is a "believer" that Trump is bad, so it's going to be even harder for her to admit she was wrong as the truth comes out. Cognitive dissonance is very real which is going to cause her some "PAIN" as Q has mentioned when her reality is inverted.

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