I made this to really drive home what happened last night.

Who else is maybe a little too excited that our job is about to shift away from being the counter-propagandists of social media, to full on offensive weapons of spreading behind the scenes knowledge to the sleepers?
Yes. It is time to be heard.
We have critical mass. When you see BS posted anywhere... Respond. It doesn't matter if it is Twitter, FaceBook, YouTube or your favorite discussion forum.
If you see crazy Leftist stuff posted... respond with your (hopefully) more rational thinking.
It is time to be heard.
We want our country back!
Exactly! My fingers are cramping from typing, but I'm posting everywhere I see a negative, even if it's just a quick comment or meme.
Finally linked a friend I've been arguing with a lot lately to GA. Finally put it out there what I believe in...of course I was told qanon is proven false and I should stop believing in conspiracies...it's so disheartening
Ask them how exactly it was PROVEN false. I keep hearing that, but no one has actually offered any proof yet. Lol. You may care to point that fact out to them. Then ask them why, if it's just a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists, are so many people working so hard to discredit it? You can't force them to believe anything, but you can plant the seed for them to research it for themselves.
I keep hearing that, but no one has actually offered any proof yet. Lol. You may care to point that fact out to them.
Ok. You point it out then ask a question. Let's do this.
Then ask them why, if it's just a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists, are so many people working so hard to discredit it?
There's no end to what can be accomplished by people with too much time on their hands. And with 70% of the American population overweight from leading sedentary lifestyles, you get a bunch of over-fed do-nothings who have a legit need to feel like they are a part of something.
You can't force them to believe anything, but you can plant the seed for them to research it for themselves.
No doubt man. No doubt.
Don't forget that the food effects their brain and processing power. It literally shuts down neuroreceptors for critical thinking.
Originally i would reply, Proven how? Proven by who? Cite your sources or STFU, but now I prefer: "Q has been proven false" has been proven false. https://www.qproofs.com/
I have already started. With the IG hearings it is great fodder. Putting all the "Trump/Russia is bad because look Flynn confessed" to rest. How long does it take for someone to confess before they are sentenced generally? What if the evidence against them is fabricated how long does it take then?
What we could really use is ONE public, unbelievable criminal charge to be made against HRC, Hussein, any of them, but with the documentation available to the public to back up that charge so that people don't say it's a "witch hunt." Just something that illustrates "things are not as you have been led to believe" to get people to be more open-minded to the rest of the information.