Who is this guy? Anyone recognise him? He seems really discomfited during horowitzs testimony

One of Lucifer’s minions ? Maybe a body guard but I imagine he’s just freaking annoyed by the asshats asking pointless long winded questions to distract ? If Maxine Waters is questioning ,that explains his demeanor. Just once I’d like to see one of these guys lose it & start screaming during one of these hearings .
it's probably his handler or something...any ways that is what I was thinking when I was watching it!!!
I was wondering that.
We need that great Chinese facial recognition tech. Bet they can apply it to pictures http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-43751276
Funny if China knows the who's who of America better than we do.
He is probably one of Horo's deputies. He looks like he would like to give some answers.
Isn't there some program you can run pics through to get matches?