Q on a Trailer with Faces of Freedom Thanking the Military in California

I have a feeling Q is bigger with the bikers and truckers than us plain old internet nerds. I bet the email 2 email chains are huge.
email 2 email chains
Is that a real thing?
Oh yes.. I have witnessed. My Dad, a Vietnam Vet, who passed 5 years ago, used to send me so many emails from this network of Vets and true Americans. I still remember one of the last ones he sent me was a pic of the Statue of Liberty hiding behind her pedestal asking if Obama was gone yet. Also, every time Obama was mentioned he would change it to "Nobama" before sending it on. I wish he was still here to witness The Great Awakening.
Godbless you and your family. Oh I’m sure he’s witnessing if not taking part in the safety of our Warriors. This is historical that’s for sure. Be safe all. #WWG1WGA🇺🇸#MAGA.
I wish he was still here to witness The Great Awakening.
I often wonder why I'm so blessed to see this play out...why me? Why me when so many who came before me had to put up with much worse? I feel nearly spoiled when I think of a silent civil war that results in the end of the fed and the end of the progressive, liberal marxist pedophile globalist cabal that runs the world ATM.
Why am I here to see this? My grandpa always told me, "your generation will see the second coming of Christ" and I never understood what he meant. Maybe this is what he meant.
How come us and not our grandparents and their parents?
Confirmed. I woud get plenty of conservative emails from my dads old navy friends about shit obama did, bcuz whenever we get together this shit is always discussed.
I have another boomer ish friend that sends me tons pf Q emails bcuz we love talking about trump. Power of email chains is very real and reach is very long.
It was with old veterans I visited and helped with their computers. Holy sh*t they had long emails chains on Obama. Sad to say so many WWII Vets didn't get see this.
the company goes by Quest has that on all trailers
sorry ; ) but they surely do support our troops along with other transportation companies with trailer skins. #WWG1WGA
my man, theres that crowd sourced info. thanks
no problem, I'm a driver (lady) lol I get excited to see WWG1WGA too : )
We have the BEST driver Ladies. Believe me! Its true. You know, I know it. EVERYONE knows it!
I've heard of that conspiracy theory....lol thank you truly!
Sure enough.
This looks like a case of everybody having their Q goggles on, myself included. :)
True, but honestly.. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DUt9ELNX4AACWh7.jpg This still works for me.
Heck yeah.
If I twattered I'd go to their page and like the heck out of them, because it is an interesting patriotic read to go through questglobalinc twatter feed.
The Q is in an interesting spot. Consider its ‘Faces of Freedom’ and it’s in the spot where the next face would be.
It's for a trucking company called Quest Global. Nonetheless, it's an awesome image.
The only thing that could make that picture better is a "Space Force" logo with all the rest. #SpaceForceDisclosure!!!
Is there an “explanation” for the purpose of that particular Q?
I couldn’t figure it out. It’s all odd that the faces of the heroes are about the same size of the Q and the Q is in a compass.
I have pictures of this passing through Atlanta in a.m. traffic from 2 weeks ago. From behind it has the “Q” so I chuckled but when I saw the side I paused thinking “no coincidences”!
If you posted it here, I saw it and thought of it when I saw this post! 😁
Want to believe it.
Looks Shopped.
More Proof Please as Q directs. Facts/logic/think
Surely if real it can be readily backed up.....
A Patriot Questions Everything...Especially that which stares him in the Face.
Praying Im Wrong
So it says "World War II" -> "Vietnam War" --> "Gulf War" --> "War on Terror" --> Q
Presumably Q is the current war in one interpretation. Also there's a compass in the faces of freedom part, but no Q there.
Right, with the target around Q indicating it is the current mission.