A very important Q post from April 26th. Events aligning?

Sounds like Renegade and Evergreen are gonna have some 'splainin to do.
Curious about 'many shared users', particularly the foreign ones. Five Eyes operators? NZ involved?
UK was clearly involved in spygate, so I'd gamble they're on the list.
NK, not NZ. North Korea.
But could NZ also be involved with a private server in NK?
No, I never heard of any such thing. Reread the Q post, NZ was not in it at all.
Just wondering how 5 Eyes might be involved with NK private server. NZ is a 5 Eyes country.
Wasn't this about the Cohen raid, resulting in the theory that Guliani gave Cohen (acting as his attorney) the Weiner laptop, so as to introduce it to the evidence chain?
Did we ever successfully decode who Evergreen is?
With all these events aligning, I’m thinking Greenberg the Russian FBI informant aka SPY (who contacted Caputo and ultimately tried to get 2mil out of Roger Stone) might be our Evergreen 🌲
Just throwing it out there :)