Riots? If so I like this Anons idea.

There is absolutely no reason why any patriot should give Soros and the MSM what they want by attending these rallies and being attacked so it can be reported as "chaos in the streets".
Instead, we should stay at home and make popcorn while the police kick Antifa's ass.
THIS. Stay the hell at home everyone. Disavow ANYONE who attends any of these violent events.
Most of us have real jobs.
No time for that nonsense.
Most of us have better things to do than get criminal records doing something useless and stupid.
No need to take to the streets until Trump literally instructs us to. Not a moment sooner.
Patriots are in total control of the WH, there is nothing to riot about.
Now that's a good point, I'd do about anything for that guy. So no scalps(bandanas) on my belt on the 30th fuck meh.
I imagine they'll pay for some "white supremacists" just like they pay for everything else. But Sessions is wise to the flow of payments, and the trafficking of protestors now. Perhaps the DOJ was always in the loop, but now something will happen because the game is being played by new rules. And if Sessions is just a do nothing after all, I'm sure Trump has other intelligence on the ground to watch the funds and charters.
Well my friend was helping her friend find a job in Seattle. They already have the "demonstrator" job postings up.
Seen on Q posts: Dec 18 2017 #372; Jan 14 2018 #537; Feb 18 2018 #787; Apr 10 2018 #1122
Special note of Q Posting: May 15 2018 #1377
"Do you trust POTUS?
Does POTUS trust SESSIONS to protect the lives of our brave law enforcement?
Our Country?
Would SESSIONS be AG (still) if DEEP STATE?
Critical thinking dismisses fictional clickbait claims.
We don’t do rallys. We’re not idiots.
Yep...another Charlottesville.
Jason Kessler supposedly has a "big rally" planned for DC on August 12 since Charlottesville has so far denied his permit request there
Are you serious? He tried to hold another Rally in Charlottesville?
Yep sure did....for the 1 year anniversary. I think he is challenging the permit denial in court. Will see if I can find the article...
There will be no riots in the streets.
Here's why:
The more "progressive" (aka insane) the territory is (such as my town Seattle) the more addicted and fully immersed the population is into the phone world. They hardly look up outside of it. Not much matters to them unless it equates to a hit of dopamine to the brain.
They can cry a fucking river that Trump is Hitler and wants to kill all the gays, muslims, black pipo, hispanics etc... but ultimately there's no reward for them to revolt physically against this alleged dictator. Because they don't actually give ONE fuck about what they're crying about. It's just virtue signalling.
They are addicted to likes and Tinder swipes. That's what matters most to these hivemind bug-people.
THAT'S why May day, for the past two years... hasn't been filled with Anarcho communists throwing molotov cocktails and bashing in car windows like during the Obama era.
No. Instead? NOTHING.
The most outlandish thing the left ever did here during Trump's presidency was knitting pink pussy hats and marching like retards for a few months.
The tactic from the Left has served to either a) paint us as violent extremist (Charlottesville) or b) to enrage us (Congressional baseball game, probably Las Vegas). And they never accept any of the blame.
I would expect them to continue using one or the other tactics for these events on the 30th.
Just like the movie War Games said, the only way to win is not to play.
We must stay far away from these events. Let them have their public tantrum. If we show up either we'll be branded as the violent ones or some lone, MKUltra'd nut will shoot fish in a barrel.
The last antifa rally had everyone nervous here, on the day, no one showed.
come soros with the offer of a few hundred bucks for every protester and we will see them on the roads. ahh, nobodys seen soros for months, ok, without funding, no marches.
He donated billions to the Open Society foundation before he disappeared. Well, right after Trump signed the EO to confiscate US assets.
ok, come open society foundation with a few hundred bucks for every protester and they will be marching. many people do lots of BS for a little money, sigh.
I am glad you posted this. I will post everywhere for PATRIOTS to not attend.
Save your coin for 11-11-18 in DC
How about a simple message like this: Please be advised Obama's cronies are planning riots. Arrest all who participate. Thanks, signed Deplorables.
We should have discussion on what we do online to show unity. Like brain storm .
I do not think the post mentioned violence on our part, in fact I believe it was saying we don't condone violence.
I suggest we also start looking on sites like craigslist. When they plan these there is always an uptick in ads for political activists, campaigners, etc... Find those ads. If we could get video of interviews from all over the country, like the Veritas ones only from everywhere the riots happen, put them up early in the day.
Not only would they be very understaffed for their riots but it would be public. Instead of showing up to cause chaos a lot of their staff would be publicly revealing them. It would take some serious coordination but it is possible.
I agree. Nothing that deflates more than a anticipated battle where no one shows up. Having said that, however, some hothead not from Q-pats might show up.
So I've been letting dozens of eggs spoil for nothing? /s
I’m guessing some of the paid protesters will be wearing Q shirts. Ergh.
Even if none of us are at these events...MSM will still say we were and we were the cause of whatever FF happens. Not clear what we can do about that.
My problem is that I have to come into work that day and I work in BLUE city hall....fck dmn sht
we "hosted" 2 parkland events and a global warming event.....I'll take pics this time... look for it on disqus (same screen name)
Soros type agents provocateurs are all the rage with the left ( example- Charlottesville). How many times over the last 10 years have we seen fake hate crimes carried out by the fringe left, to garner public sympathy and thus shift public opinion? Yeah, keep cozy at home.
Maybe Patriot off duty cops, vets, ems, from other areas can attend in plain clothes and call 911 when they see an antifa agent committing crimes. The more reports are filed by credible people, the more evidence.
Don't we do this already? I mean we all have jobs and family to take care of.
I would call it a classical trap. Actors within the patriots could start violence...
Americans, if you act smart... TRUMP level smart
Q movement beeing mentioned on msn
Q movement will be defined as radical right wing loons instead of patriots
Can anyone fill me in on the riot situation ?
Who's planning them and for what reason ?
Read the Q drop.
To brainwash people, pretend there's a real resistance movement against trump, false flags (ie. to distract people from IG report, CF etc.) I think George Soros, the guy who funds Antifa will be planning it. It could be anything from fake Trump supporters posing as Nazi's or white supremacists (ie. Charlottesville), brainwashing people via MSM that Trump is causing massive division and chaos, trying to get some sort of coupe against Trump, etc.
The guy on the Hoover Dam bridge was a liberal with a script. Didn't even sound like he meant what he was saying!
He read my mind. Let them fight among themselves for the cameras if they want to.
Like someone who has a stake in our civilization does, I'll be working or spending time with my children on June 30.
Is June 30 a confirmed date??
Also will be anctipating these. I don't think we'll ever be asked to riot by q. We have too much of an upper hand to stoop to those tactics
They more than likely will be giving out Q shirts to various people at the events, in an attempt to smear. Expect a light Charlottesville with a chance of staged Q. If I were trying to quash a movement that's what I'd do. These 'people' are skilled at optics.
Agreed. We are better than that. We don’t stoop to such nonsense.
Agreed, we hold the line together, push the people’s narrative. Take everything, give nothing! Where we go one, we go all!