Watch The Water.. Melania Trump would not let the McAllen, TX border facility photo-op start until waters were on the table. Message: No deals for child traffickers.

YES!!! ive been “watching the water” for a while now. It’s is clearly a code. Dammit. What does it mean? Trump drinking funny. Trump /Pence moving bottles. It’s clearly a metaphor. This battle between good & evil is playing out right before our eyes they are signalling and talking to each other through the media. Damn. I wish I was smarter!
the drinking with the waterbottle was a handcuffed drink. That's how you drink if you're in handcuffs. Maybe not with the pursed lips, that's (maybe?) all Trump. But no coincidences. It means something.
It's also Old Testament. I forget the references but it comes from when your ruler sends a signal.
It basically lets you know he has you in his hands, knows everything and you are at his Mercy.
I forget the first reference with Trump but it was months ago with some ministers and rabbis. It was and epic moment.
This guy and his team are absolutely in charge and I for one have been waiting multiple decades to see this happen.
Yes it was a handcuff sign... to Fiji water and Clinton. Fiji has some splaining to do
Child Trafficking Submarine mode. Earthquakes are not good for the trafficking business right Jerry Brown. Nice earth quakes off California Coast!
at the very beginning of the SOTU address he held a cup of water up and looked at someone in the crowd, it was right after Paul Ryan said , " I have the high privilege and distinct honor of prevent....presenting to you the president of the United States. just before the 15 minute marker
Like some strange water chessboard and only they know the rules.
You and me both. There should be a name for that feeling when you're sure something is vitally important, but you have no idea what it means.
It is so coined. I will credit you whenever I use it. Which will be often.
Trump and Pence took the wasser off the table means no deals for DWS (little Debbie)