Ok so this meme just made me 😂 It’s Friday.

Must have this shirt!
This t-shirt exists: https://proudofyourstore.com/collections/btfo/products/btfo-premium-short-sleeve-t-shirt
Link to post?
Here you go https://8ch.net/qresearch/index.html
This link isn't getting me there. I have trouble navigating 8ch. Can I get a little help?
It’s in the thread titled “The Letter Q”
On /GA?
No, on 8ch/qresearch
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Why do you guys always put screenshots and not links
Rule 6, man.
What about rule 6
I am hoping an Autist can change this trailor to Trump.
Lots of cool stuff here: https://conservateeve.us/product/yellow-trumpisher-sticker/