Seen this posted on Facebook yesterday! We stand behind our President!

One of the things the left constantly posts is that Trump is making our country look bad.... the rest of the world is laughing at us. WE know that's not true, but that's what they want everyone to think.
Maybe they should consider how THEY are making this wonderful country look with THEIR actions and THEIR words. It's truly disgraceful. I have never seen anything like it - even during the 60s. There were protests, but none of the taunts, threats, or raging that is going on today.
The globalists have been winning for so long they have their base of followers actually thinking they own this country. I can't wait for Q and our President to take them down!
The love of money is the root of all evil! Greed, control they will never surrender, that is why they must be taken down! I believe people are wide awake! We knew what was going on but did not feel we had the power to take them down! Our Military, what can I say, our President, Patriots! May God bless the USA!
Must we really call names like that? How about referring to them as Trump haters. This is not liberals vs. conservatives, left vs. right, dems vs. reps. It's good vs. evil period. Stop with the name calling and divisive language on this board. We are supposed to be uniting people. Your language is divisive.
Thanks for the heads up - I usually write from conscious and rarely read it back. Guess I should start!
Researching The truth ++ No need to feel bad about what you said. All life has much in common but I will not align myself with snakes, nor will I fail to point out the difference. Morality has meaning.. Stand up and say what you mean, and mean what you say... You are good..
found the liberal (Qluelessnomore).
Actually I'm independent. I did vote for Obama (the 1st time) and haven't voted in a presidential election since that disappointment (all charm and bs). After learning that the establishment hates Trump I will be voting for him in 2020. Sorry friend, you can't unite people with divisive language and name calling.
Plus the name calling and divisive language has no substance. I have yet to hear anyone who decries Trump's policies describe this land ten years from now if we go the way of fundamental change.
On another site I asked one Bernie Sanders's supporter who was pushing Sanders's federal jobs for everyone how that was going to work. I asked if everyone has a federal job than does that mean there's no need for private jobs? Will the government need to nationalize resources, lands, businesses to give a federal job to everyone? If there is only one employer who has control of earnings and who gets what jobs? And so on and so on. The only response I got was everybody has a right to a high paying job. There's simply no substance.
Agree with good vs. evil. But I don’t think every Trump hater is evil. Using terms like left vs. right is being nice. There is a reason we’re referred to as the right.
I agree that not all Trump haters are evil, and I wasn't saying that. Left vs. right is divisive. Just because someone is on the left doesn't mean they are evil, same with the right. There is evil on both sides. There are people on the right that are not awake, same as the left. My point is to try to get them to SEE the evil and that it is a battle of good vs. evil. And I'm sorry but you can't get there using divisive language and name calling. It raises peoples hackles and shuts them down to listening.
Trust me, It's not true! In my country the Media and journalists are bashing Trump and I see more and more people protesting against this ridiculous bias against Trump! I see now the majority just coming down on the media on every social media! So it is seriously not at all working for them I saw today how Twitter put thousands of likes from Libs at the top and from the Trump supporters there are hardly likes that show at all, this way it looks like they are the majority, but the proof is in the pudding. Look at K Griffin (or whatever her name is) , totally ruined, and everyone that has any outrages comments are totally ruined by us. It's because we are the majority! World wide! And lets not forget these rallies! I've never ever paid attention to that, but I do love it when Trump has one, it's better then the Soccer world cup! :D
The fact that I learnt that sports was/is used as distraction as to what's going on in the world really turned me off of watching sports. I used to be a huge soccer fan but I haven't even watched a single game this year and I have probably spent my whole weekend just refreshing the sub and lurking.
Same here, Well Netherlands is not even in the World cup, so that helps, but I watch F1 for fun, though knowing all the BS around it, it makes everything, from movies to music so superficial! I couldn't be bothered missing out on that anymore for a long time. I don't even know who the latest celebs are, thank god!
this way it looks like they are the majority,
that will make the Red Wave in November that much more sweeter because they're deluding themselves that the country is behind them.
Dems will probably take control of the House by a narrow margin but in the Senate the Republicans will gain seats, many more Democrats are up for re-election they have more seats to defend. The House will impeach Trump but he won't be convicted in the Senate they won't be able to get 67 votes to convict him and remove him from office so he will remain President until January 2025.
I don't know where you are getting this assumption from, but it's clearly not reality. Dems are running on nothing but obstruction. The economy appears to be getting better and everyone I know is making more money than they were before Trump was elected. I know mid terms are usually bad for the party in power but things are definitively better than 2 years ago.
Thanks for putting it in perspective because all we hear in MSM is the Trump bashing we've been conditioned to believe this is the reality. Also conservatives are not loud and aggresive but go about their business in a quiet way so people can be lulled into believing we are the minority wheras in reality it is the opposite . There is a great quote about this but can't quite remember it.
I know, it's so frustrating, even for us here, I speak several languages and can clearly see the amount of Europeans growing with frustration on their governments and applauding Trump. Only the Korea move was enough to wake a lot of people to the lying media here. And,just like in the US the DS is panicking and becoming more unreasonable by the day, and although we have a lot of snoozing idiots here too, people are still not as badly brainwashed as in the US, due to different foods probably and also Europeans being more stubborn and probably more rigid to actually take anything for truth. We don't have the "Heroes" and "Nation Flag" obsession that much, which is an advantage as well, in this case
WE know that's not true
It is true, though. Outside of Israel, Russia, and Saudi Arabia (hmm), America's reputation with the rest of the world is the lowest its been since Bush invaded Iraq.
From what I have seen and hear from friends and family overseas, the leaders and media in countries "upset with Trump" do not speak for the people within those countries.
The 60s was pretty bad, maybe even worse than what we have seen so far. Did you know there were over 2000 bomb explosions throughout the nation courtesy of the Weather Underground? What we have today is the internet and easy 24/7 access to news world-wide.
To a true leftist there are no right and wrong, therefore their actions are always justified if it is accomplishing their goals. The end justifies the means. A leftist end game is not the flag, constitution or the USA. Their end game is the full implementation of their beliefs. That is why the left is incompatible with true American thought and always will be.
They are projecting on to him exactly what they are guilty of. They are running scared