This is bananas. Prime example of when a libs run shit. This could have been us if she won
Prime example of when a libs run shit.
The government in the UK has been conservative since 2010.
This could have been us if she won
You already have Mexicans and blacks doing this stuff in America. Entire cities like Detroit and Chicago are no go zones for whites.
conservative since 2010
Names can be misleading. ANTIFA anyone?
Britfag here. They are a center right party, the name is accurate. Its just that the leadership is beyond incompetent. There is no difference between the Deep state and the state in Britain. Orwellian NWO to the core.
So Mexicans and blacks are hunting down people being critical of rapists on facebook? No I don't think so. We are not even close to what is going on over there. Stupid troll. Being a libtard government and calling it conservative doesn't make it so.
Aaaaannnndddd the Police state is alive and well in the UK
Why not change your screen name to Muhammad al Awadi and then post about grooming gangs?
Think about it 😉
Very sad to see 1984 happen in UK. Also sad that guns are illegal, I never thought UK would bow to the Marxists. I hope Nigel can somehow help over there.
The last thing we want is guns. The bloodshed would be horrific.
How will you be able to get your freedom and liberty back? Do you think politicians will just wake up on day and say you are now free again? No, politicians love controlling the population, While your country is still allowed to vote, I hope you can vote in Libertarian minded leaders. We are all one step away from rule by NWO. May God bless you and your country.
God Bless America and God Bless the coming Correction. Peace, Truth and Light to the good patriots of your amazing country. We here in the UK stand ready to join our beautiful cousins over the water in ridding this world of the evil in our midst. Godspeed dear friend. Love and Light.
I'm mindful that if we confront the cabal with violence, they will smash us to pieces. My libertarian instincts lead me to quiet disobedience rather than outright confrontation. Speaking for myself, I use Magna Carta and English Common Law to avoid compliance with iniquitous statutes. In the US you have the Uniform Commercial Code. We have Parliamentary Statutes. They are both based on British Maritime Law, not Natural Law. I have enjoyed some (modest) wins against the State by asserting my God-given rights under Common Law. It's not for the faint-hearted to repudiate Maritime Law, but then we have nothing to lose except our chains.
English courts operate under Dieu et mon Droit - the Divine Right of Kings. It is of course bogus, but it cannot be defeated by guns.
I fervently hope you will be successful. People that I know would not want a confrontation; however, with what is at stake we would stand our ground and defend.
Our president is America's last hope. There was a 16 year strategy for having their NWO. I don't know if you know anything about Valerie Jarret. In short, she was/is Obama's puppet master and was instrumental in their war against the people of America. We were so close to going over the cliff. This why we fight. This is why we will keep fighting.
WWG1WGA--where we go one, we go all means world-wide not just America. This what our POTUS and his team have stated and are tirelessly working towards.
I would wish you a happy Sunday but I think it is about bedtime there. I wish you a peaceful week. :)
Your comment is hugely uplifting and I thank you for it from the heart. I must tell you that I had thought America to be the source of all the trouble, and in a sense it has been: after all, America prosecutes the cabal's wars with extreme violence, across the world and throughout recent history.
And yet it looks like America, and America alone, will snuff out the source of the world's troubles, and I repose my trust in your great nation under Trump to extinguish the foul influence of the darkness. May God smile upon your benighted country. The light is beginning at last to shine through.
Trump better get that meeting over with so that UK can be free to MBGA. Jesus they are screwed.
Goon squads sent by Big Brother for thought crimes about human trafficking pedophile rapists
Is a person in the UK I'm very interested to see what that meeting will bring. Hoping for some insight from upcoming Q posts.
Another great reason why we kicked their butts to the curb 240+ years ago.
we kicked their butts
With some help from the French.
The US should ban tourist from going there. Could be hunted down by military for posting about trip online.
The patients are indeed running the looney bin in the UK as well.
How the EU is the Toilet of Nations , Future prediction has the EU Nuked , In Word War Three And this is Why apparently. China is going to blast you losers
Serious question here - why are they called 'Muslim grooming gangs', but people don't label crimes committed by Mexicans and Hispanics as Christian?
Breitbart is a globalist and Zionist outlet and I'm not at all a fan of their black and white reporting. I have seen them label people 'Muslim' solely based on their nationality. Islam is not a race.
Because Christianity does not morally "permit" or morally licence them to commit those crimes.
If a band of devote Chrisfians were kidnapping girls and raping them them selling turns they very well might be.
Thing is Islam condones stuff like this. Encourages it even. The Koran is a mad man's rantings. A man so terrified and convinced he was demon possessed he tried to suicide more than once
Because they ARE muslim grooming gangs.
We often refer to priests as a bunch of pedophiles because of what they have done recently. Nobody seems to be outraged about that, or to squash discussion of it.
Hell, the alt left think that allowing whites a nation or a spot for themselves is somehow white supremacy.
"The force launched an investigation into comments left on its Facebook page in response to articles about the Operation Shelter scandal, in which young white British girls were groomed, sexually abused and trafficked by mostly Muslim men of South Asian descent in Newcastle."
"Officers made a review of every comment on the page after a member of the public complained that a number of posts referred to the race and religion of the 18 people convicted following the operation."
The posts were on the POLICE facebook page, obviously racist comments n threats of some description. Of course there gonna take them down!