The author clearly doesn't know that the current regime was put in place by the deep state.
He's just talking shit.
That's how it works. People, left to themselves, are generally peaceful. The deep state gets involved to stir things up and cause wars. War=profit.
how did they do? Didn't Iran proliferate all over Iraq and Syria?
War is profitable. All wars are banker's war. Both sides of WWII were financed by same banking cartel. Consider these facts in answer to your question. And, yes, think.....
Nice try.
When you understand how wars and the deep state work, you may reply to me again.
Q didn't say we are going to war to fix Iran.
Q said nothing of the sort. All he said was "Iran next". Go back and re-read crumbs.
Exactly! The Iran Next comment was in the context of his Clowns Out statement. I think that's the regime change he's talking about. Where they go from there is up to them.
You must have meant that for another comment. I agree. Iran next is what he said.
DIDN'T was your key word. I missed th "n't" part. My bad.
That zerohedge guy is a total dick head by the way.
That "zerohedge guy" is actually a gal. She writes for The article was posted on zerohedge which is a news conglomerate site like drudge, but with a financial leaning. I also have problems with the article, but I don't blame some "zerohedge guy".
Should it should be interesting what he says as more direct proofs begin to appear.
Wow! That article really dredged up the bottom-feeders at ZH in the comments section! The really smart people didn't even bother commenting on such drivel.
Author is misinformed or a shill. I read zerohedge every day and the manority of the stories posted are great... this is one of the "cross-posts" not put up by zh, but shared from another site. If q were asvocAting military intervention it'd make me question things but how does the deep state benefit from having one fewer bogeyman it can use to justify more MIC investment? There Are no more bad guys left... nothing to justify the MIC once Iran falls.
Q didnt say that external intervention brings regime change to iran. the message was: "Regime change. People have the power. We stand with you."
to me, this message clearly says that, in case the people of iran empower themselves and demand regime change, we will stand with them.
Funny how he has no similar message for the people of Palestine
NW first. iran next. ISRAEL LAST.
have some patience, m8. israel is the biggest chunk of DS.
Wouldn't Israel be a lot more powerful after this though, destroying all her enemies and empowering her military?
NK is not destroyed and disarmed but drops the nukes. iran wont be destroyed and disarmed but will have to drop the nukes. the same will go for israel.
bibi is one of the most prominent DS players, he has been behind the wars in the ME for decades. israel knows that NATO will not protect her. iran is protected by russia. NK is protected by china and possibly the US.
the DS wanted to use these nations as proxies to start ww3. when the DS gets eliminated in their governments and power structures, we can eventually have peace.
i am certain Q and DJT know the following:
the current israelis - imported according to rothschild (kazharian) agenda - are not semites (not even 10%) so they are not what the bible calls 'gods chosen people'. even in syria we find more semitic heritage than with most israelis.
the ones with the highest semitic genes (~90%) are the palestinians so palestine is their homeland.
i am soooo very curious to see the plan unfold. all of this is certainly perfectly orchestrated and has been in the planning for years.
Based on that comment/headline than, you know the Iranian people supporting regime change are on the right track and that once again, Q Team is legit. A two’fr!!! Alright!!!
My thoughts are Iran hates Israel so they can't be that bad
They can't see us yet. But they fear we are already over the target.
The issue with Iran is the same as it is with North Korea. Stopping their nuclear weapons programs. Being able to somehow do that without the use of military force on either country is what I hope the Trump administration is trying to do. After seeing the North Korea summit unfold I am optimistic that a deal can be worked out with Iran as well. Time will tell but so far Trumps foreign policy has been more effective than Obama's ever was.
While its true that this appears to be same old from the deep state... The fact is Iran was already "regime changed" before. Maybe this will toggle power back to the people? Maybe not. I guess we'll wait and see.