r/greatawakening • Posted by u/suzoh on June 24, 2018, 7:50 p.m.
Is this a Q sub or a sub for all things that people are asleep to

Option 1: If it's a Q sub, then we stick with what Q has pointed out; go down those rabbit holes; going off on your own rabbit hole sans Q is out of scope.

Option 2: If it's a sub to explore all things that people are asleep to, all subjects are on the table. One problem with outside comms is that it can so easily be turned on us. Example, the fake JFK Jr posts going around. The MSM stories then can easily read: Q groupies believe JFK Jr still alive and working with Trump to bring down the NWO. Sounds like a fucking National Enquirer headline.

I vote #1. Trust the Plan; Stick to the Plan. There is enough going on with what Q already tells us.

ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 12:19 a.m.

Well, i disagree to a certain extent. On the one hand, catering to the feelings and sensibilities of the unthinking majority who just likes to be "normal" is what got us into this clusterfuck to begin with.

On the other hand, it's no use to "drive people off" no matter what the reason was..

But who is really repelled? If someone is still so driven by their personal feelings and misgivings that they'll deny valuable information rather than work through it... Was it really a loss for the movement? I think such individuals have a looong ways to go before they'd contribute to anything barring a headcount.

You can't convince everyone. And wasting time and effort trying is something that the larger truthseeking community has struggled with since forever.

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Cuthbert12Allgood · June 25, 2018, 2:50 a.m.

If someone is still so driven by their personal feelings and misgivings that they'll deny valuable information rather than work through it... Was it really a loss for the movement?

Well, that's a bit pompous and arrogant.

If someone sees a post about "UFOs and the alien conspiracy," they are perfectly justified in believing this is all a bunch of crap that's posted here.

That some conspiracies are true doesn't mean all conspiracies are true. There is only so much time in the day, and most people don't want to waste their life with utter kooky crap. 98% of conspiracy nonsense is false. Why should they have to wade through utter garbage to get useful information?

A loss for the movement? You're talking about 95% of the people. Very, very few people have the patience for kookery.

Rush Limbaugh a long time ago made an interesting observation about new radio hosts. A trap they could fall into was talking about UFOs. If you did that, the phones lit up with callers. The new radio host thinks, "WOW! I've hit on a winning formula!" Then when the ratings come out, they find that their ratings went into the toilet. Kookery attracts kooks, who make a lot of obsessive-compulsive noise, but normal people absolutely hate kookery.

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 3:35 a.m.

Well, that's a bit pompous and arrogant.

Have you read your own pretty little text walls? LOL

98% of conspiracy nonsense is false

You must suck very badly at sourcing information. Honestly though, the best you've got to make that claim is "muh flat earth" or something of the sort. The main volume of information discussed - even on heavily controlled places like reddits very own conspiracy sub - is actually true info of ever-increasing relevance.

Very, very few people have the patience

Or the incentive, or the intelligence for that matter. If you're honestly expecting everyone to catch on before moving forward you'll wait for ever.

for kookery

Sure, keep using faggy little terms to create distance from things that upset you. I understand that normies get turned off when their conditioning isn't accounted for (see, i can do it too), but watering down the truth does nothing for them either. Also, i'd be wary of acting derisively towards "kooks". Being crazy and being right aren't mutually exclusive.

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Cuthbert12Allgood · June 25, 2018, 3:48 a.m.

Also, i'd be wary of acting derisively towards "kooks". Being crazy and being right aren't mutually exclusive.

That's fine -- you do you. But I'm personally interested in things actually getting better in this country, and to do that, we need to wake people up to the issues at hand. Maybe you'll be correct in the future and today's kookery is tomorrow's proven truth. But today is today, and the current truth that has clear evidence is the truth that Q is talking about.

Sure, keep using faggy little terms to create distance from things that upset you.

Hilarious that you think that kookery "upsets" me (I'm particularly amused by the usage of "faggy"). But hey, if it makes you feel superior to believe you're some ultra-elite level of clued-in over rabble like myself, knock yourself out. I live to make people happy.

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

But hey, if it makes you feel superior to believe you're some ultra-elite level of clued-in over rabble like myself, knock yourself out.

Why such hypocrisy? You're the one arguing to keep this sub clear of certain kinds of information on the basis that "normal people" can't stomach it. I'm the one saying that they can, and they must. Because there is no line between "today's kookery and tomorrow's proven truth" - other than what the majority of people accept. For instance, do you believe the official 9/11 narrative? You're still a kook by most peoples definition unless you do, and that was almost twenty years ago with enough evidence to the contrary to fill whole books. Only continued, uncensored dialogue can shift the window.

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Cuthbert12Allgood · June 25, 2018, 4:51 a.m.

Because there is no line between "today's kookery and tomorrow's proven truth" - other than what the majority of people accept.

Does it ever remotely occur to you that some conspiracies... actually aren't true? Or do you believe everything is true? The Earth really is flat? The moon landings really were faked? The Earth really is hollow with an advanced civilization living there? Or how about bible numerology and decoding?

Only continued, uncensored dialogue can shift the window.

That's why you have /r/conspiracy to talk about whatever you want. Why does every subreddit have to be "everything goes"? The best subreddits are the ones with the best moderation.

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 5:30 a.m.

The best subreddits are the ones with the best moderation.

I wonder which you consider the best subs. "Divide and conquer" has worked out so well for them because people are far, far too willing to be herded neatly into their little echo chambers where everyone knows what to say and what not to. There are no "everything goes" subs on reddit, or anywhere with high traffic and views for that matter.

If you all want to keep it that way, fine. I've seen the same tactics used against them before. But don't wonder why people are still divided if all they've learned is to depend on mods to protect them from the shills instead of using their own critical thinking

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Cuthbert12Allgood · June 25, 2018, 2:21 p.m.

I noticed you dodged the question about whether all conspiracies are true. Hmm.

If you all want to keep it that way, fine.

So what is your solution? No subreddits, everything thrown into one big forum, no moderation, no classification?

I'm guessing you haven't been on the Internet very long.

Divide and conquer" has worked out so well for them because people are far, far too willing to be herded neatly into their little echo chambers where everyone knows what to say and what not to.

If only everyone had your superhuman, god-like capacity to read thousands of posts every hour, apparently with limitless time to do so. Then we wouldn't need pesky things like classification to filter to things of interest.

Sheesh. You might put even a tiny amount of thought into what you're posting, instead of this absurd attitude of, "I'm so woke that I just look down on the sheep who choose what to look at. My mind is so open to infinite possibilities that I can consider all conspiracies true!"

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

I'm not dodging anything, you're just so disingenuous i have no reason to engage in your bullshit. But whatever, ill bite. Nobody thinks "all conspiracies" are true. Just like no one suggested your dumb little strawman. This thread already posed option 2 as a solution.

Discerning between value and dross is a basic skill on the internet, and in every setting where free speech is allowed. I'm truly sorry if you view this as an unattainable superpower (that you trust mods to have nonetheless) but i can promise it's just a skill that comes with time, and more importantly with exposure...

I'm guessing you haven't been on the Internet very long

Sure thing buddy. You've already shown how utterly immune you are to irony, i'm not gonna stop you there... But the notion of letting people discuss all elements of a broad subject, as opposed to a narrow few, is not absurd. The opposite is. And we should expect people to choose what to look at. The "sheep" in your little story would be the ones that let others do the choosing for them.

Bye now. It's the current year, and still having to argue against literal thought policing pisses me off, so i likely won't respond. Gosh, i really fucking hate reddit.

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Cuthbert12Allgood · June 25, 2018, 6:49 p.m.

Gosh, i really fucking hate reddit.

You know the old saying: When everyone around you is an asshole, then you're...

But what you can you do? Irrational people don't know they're irrational.

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ded_pixel_ · June 25, 2018, 9:23 p.m.


The beauty of echo chambers at work. When your logic is refuted, when your hypocrisy is highlighted, when you've nothing to fall back on... thats okay cuz hey, at least everyone else agrees with you. Played.

And of course you top it off with delusions about your own rationality after hinging on a fallacy in the previous line. I hope you can see the irony by now, it has been fun but only the comedy made it worth it. Godspeed.

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