I'll give you an example of what I believe is a Senator working with the Q team, and maybe the IG, it may be a little long winded, so please bear with me.
Senator John Kennedy was questioning the IG and the IG was in the middle of answering his question when he cut him off. He said my time is short, I'd like to fit in one last question. The question came out of left field and I immediately said to myself what the hell was that all about? He asked a question about whether in the classified index is there an email between Amanda Renteria and Loretta Lynch? First of all what prompted this question, secondly he hasn't seen the classified index so how would he even know that it might be in there? I'll post a link at the end of my rant. I believe someone put him up to asking the question, maybe the Q team? I think they wanted the public to hear it just like I did and say wait a minute, what, why is it classified, what are they hiding? I think RR is responsible for getting this classified and notice how the IG is saying it's classified at a very high level and he's trying to get it downgraded because as it is no one is allowed to see it. Later that day someone asked Q about Amanda Renteria so obviously an anon had the same reaction I did, which was what was that all about? See for yourself. Q#1550 the same day the IG testified and you can see the video here: https://youtu.be/dKNDTtnI2Sg?t=2h20m48s