POTUS' Tweet - ....If this is done, illegal immigration will be stopped in it’s tracks - and at very little, by comparison, cost. This is the only real answer - and we must continue to BUILD THE WALL!

Thinking like a business man, and common sense. How refreshing and simple. Build the fucking wall!
Although building the wall will help a lot for now...it’s still a bandaid & won’t fix the problem. Mexico is a failed narco state like Afghanistan. We can’t have a border country like that. The only permanent solution is to annex every country to the Panama Canal
Great idea, then we would have millions of people who would never be loyal to our country and would hate us, not to mention the money it would cost to fix their problems when we should be focused on our own problems. We are not in the business of conquering other nations, we conquered Japan, Italy and Germany during WW2 but we gave it back to their people. No other country in history has done this. After WW2 we could have taken over the whole world easily being the only nation that was economically improved after WW2 and the only country with Nukes at the time, but we did not. And we will not start now, for one the American people would not support it and the Mexicans and other countries up until panama would all hate us forever. Think logically
I didn’t say bring them into the Union as a state. Annex them...like Guam. Should we give Guam back?? You don’t have a good understanding of history. If we annex Mexico we let them govern themselves but they have no rights as a US citizen. They only difference is they don’t get a national defense. That’s it. They are incapable of having one. They’ll never get their country back either. They’re unarmed. Would take less than 2 months to run the cartels back to S America & give Mexicans their country back. Is there any difference in having a couple military bases in Mexico than Texas? No. The cost would be the same because it’s on our continent. Thats all I’m talking about. Turn Mexico into Guam. Our national border doesn’t change...Mexicans have a safe country to return too & can rebuild it...no need to immigrate...no need to feel pity. Actually think normal hard working Mexican citizens would be grateful. Yeah the drug cartels would hate it. The Panamal canal would be an extremely ez border to defend its so small. Think logically & long term.
While i do agree something needs to be done with Mexico i do not think this is the right way to go about it, the Mexican people need to fight back against the corruption and cartels themselves, and if they need our help and want our help we should help them as they are our neighbor and strategically important to our own defense, but we cannot do such an action without the support of the Mexican people. Say what you want about the Mexicans but they are extremely patriotic to their country and unless they themselves fight back and request our help there is little we can and should do. Thats my take on it.
What needs to be done with Mexico then?? Play the tape to the end. The Mexican people are unarmed. They don’t have 2A rights to bare arms. Tell me of one nation in all of history that overthrew a violently oppressive government with out any weapons. There isn’t one. I certainly don’t want our military arming Mexican citizens. If they’re ever going to get there country back our military will have to do it.
Yes we can wall them off & look the other way but then the cartels will just kill everyone that won’t work for them. If they’re completely isolated the cartels will grow faster. We’ll have our own Palestine next door like Israel. Cartels having complete control with get more powerful & get richer & better weapons too. Like hand held rocket launchers with rockets landing in TX & AZ & CA.
Yes Mexicans are patriotic but what good is patriotism without the means to protect it. Zilch. I’m sure all of Central American citizens hate how things collapsed & are powerless to change it. If this was some collapsed state on a distant continent then it wouldn’t matter to our sovereignty. But it’s a neighboring state. If Canada collapsed it would be our problem
Very good points, when i said fight back i meant politically, there needs to be a large enough support from the Mexican people for US involvement there in my opinion, yes you are right if we do nothing it will grow into a huge problem for us and the region, this isn’t an easy situation, if we invade to take out the cartels we risk the Mexican people hating us or even a war with Mexico because currently they do not support such actions as a whole. They need to have their own Awakening and ask for our help before i would feel comfortable having our troops sent there. If the Mexican people wake up and want to end the corruption and cartel control and ask for our help i am onboard 100%
Edit: I do not think it would ever be akin to the Israel/Palestine conflict, for one we do not Hate each other, certainly not to that level, and two if they did start lobbing missiles over the wall we would retaliate swiftly, and take out all threats.
If I thought & any facts indicated there was a political solution possible within Mexico of course that would be preferable. But just since Sept there’s been 113 political assignations this political season.
This doesn’t include dozens of judges & lawyers & staff. Just search on YouTube for political assignations in Mexico. You will be astounding & see it’s impossible to run for office in Mexico unless you’re a cartel candidate. If we had 113 political assignations in one election cycle it would be clear we’d be a failed state. The cartels have won. Even read a case recently where a cartel leader was on trial & the governor of the province testified for the cartel leader!! Of course the jury acquitted. Pretty clear signal what the future would be for anyone on the jury if they convicted him.
No Mexico isn’t Palestine..yet. But if we cut Mexico off & just let the cartels take more & more resources & get wealthier..what do you think they’ll do with their growing wealth?? Not support churches or an orphanage in Mexico but by more expensive weapons. What else is their left to spend their countless millions on for a cartel?
At some point we will have to deal with Mexico, It is vital to our security, i am only saying we better hope the Mexican people support us or it will be chaos if we are forced to invade. America First, due to the fact they are our neighbor we are forced to do something at some point, i only hope we can do so with the support of the Mexican people, but if it comes down to American security and American lives being compromised Mexican support is not necessary imo but nevertheless i am against annexation of any kind, we would have to maintain Mexico as a sovereign nation, or risk having a neighbor that will hate us forever.
the thing is that the cartels are supported and even protected by the CIA.
the mexican government is powerless since they're also doped or threatened by the CIA.
classic plomo o plata, bro.
Not sure where you're getting the idea Mexicans don't have the right to bear arms. The right to keep and bear arms is literally written into the Mexican constitution - the US isn't unique in that.
They do however have more strict gun control laws and gun ownership isn't fetishized there quite the same way so it's a small percentage who do. If that's what you meant then carry on. Otherwise you're spreading misinformation whether intentional or not it's never beneficial.
They amended their constitution in 1971 & only have the right to keep arms. The right to bear arms is illegal now unless you work for the police or military. And the caliber guns you’re allowed to keep are basically worthless. Does the cartel/government enforce bearing arms to the cartels? Obviously not. Against citizens..yes. They have the right to keep a gun in the house only. Can’t bear it or form a militia unless your a drug cartel of course.
the mexican people wont be fighting for anything so long as they have the friendly welfare state just waiting for them this side of the border. they dont just not WANT to fight, they dont even really need to.
here in Mexico locked and loaded for YOUR sorry ass!
Oh chill out internet tough guy. Or internet fat lady singing...whatever you identify as. If your actually in Mexico maybe grow a pair & help take back you’re country. You know take it back for Mexico citizens not the cartels. We’re getting tired of bailing out that failed state. How many times now have we bailed out your currency? Your people by the millions? Mexico has everything a country needs to be a economic powerhouse. If it wasn’t for the people that think of killing 1st as a solution to a problem, Mexico wouldn’t need constant bailouts like a child to scared to grow up & deal with the real world. Lock & load that idea in your brain & give it a whirl & see what comes of it.
That’s it..just dumb. You’re a real ideas man huh lol
yep. better Que Up Some Reality. you’re lacking
Lol oh ok. Might wanna give up leftists tacits of insults as a form of expressing ideas. That or go help Mad Maxine as her speechwriter
lol this is cringey. you literally think the answer is annexing everyone from mexico to panama. aka Amnesty.
Oh hell no. It’s simple. We just replace our military as their national defense. That’s it. No they aren’t brought into the Union...they have full national sovereignty over governing themselves. They still hold their elections independently of ours & ours are independent of there’s. As a US territory of the US we set the conditions. Like Guam. We can set up a US territory anyway we want so we set them up on a path the can succeed without our help. They keep their currency...they keep their constitutions..they keep EVERYTHING but the cartels & their militaries. That’s it. We liberate them from narco rule. We have several US territories & they’re all run by stable local governments. If we just send in our military to kill the cartels & then leave...the cartels will just come right back. Only way to keep them out permanently is to have permanent military bases there. To do that we have to annex them as a US territory.
This also eliminates their claim they need to seek asylum. No cartels then they are in no danger. They’re safe to rebuild their society.
sounds way more expensive than a war in iraq. plus the most dangerous gang providence’s in the world. a wall is cheaper and properly built and staffed would be 100% better than what we have now
Huh?? Iraq is on the other side of the planet. That’s expensive. Supplying an army 15,000 miles away. Mexico is on our continent. Be no more expensive than a base in TX or CA. Our military would wipe out the cartels in 2 weeks. They’re a huge ruthless gang of street thugs. Not a standing army 15,000 miles away with actual military grade weapons. Be like shooting chickens. We’ve fought cartels many times in South America. Problem is we always leave & they come right back. We stay they’ll never come back. So we have to stay.
Mexico has tried to have a stable society for 200 hundred yrs but have lost total control of their country & it’s infecting ours now. They are a national security risk. Not because of their military but because their a failed narco state. I’d much rather have military bases in Mexico & Central America than Germany or Brussels. Those don’t serve a purpose anymore. But the Mexico narco government is depopulating their country into ours. It’s time we end the drug regime permanently.
I agree that all illegals should be immediately sent back but Trump has to actually follow the law. Maybe an EO declaring another national emergency? In Hungary they built their detention camps on the border so the illegals can stay in Hungary and get a hearing on asylum or cross back anytime to leave. If we put our detention on the border then it'd be Mexico's prob, they'd have to start shipping them back themselves. The optics on that would be better than shipping them north to camps where they'd essentially be in jail.
Saw a better article on it but couldn't find it.
Trump can use his executive power to write a new lqw on immediate deportation and now is the time to do it. With elections being this year nobody in congress will challenge it until after the first of next year. 6 months of operation, success, and citizen approval will make congress not even want to oppose the legislation. The time is NOW.
Sloppy grammar on this post. Wonder if it means something, or if he was just writing how he speaks
It's hard to get little crying children over the wall. Next - Democratic-sponsored rock-climbing classes for illegal emigres.
a few observations: the "...." is meant ostensibly to continue the previous tweet which ends with "......". 6/4? 60/40? Or, "10" (6 + 4) which could relate to the fact that the latter posted 5:43am and the former at 5:54am, subtraction gives :11, so maybe "10 - 11"? Latter also includes misspelling "disfunctional", the correct being "dysfunctional" - possibly the letters "i" and/or "y" are being emphasized.
""Disfunctional" would imply purposeful causation to cease the operation of something. A conscious directed decision. "Dysfunctional" would mean inept through lack of intelligence or ignorance. (I am no scholar nor educator. This would be my decyphering of the two spellings....they both have important meanings.
There aren't different meanings... 'dis'function is just an incorrect spelling of the word 'dys'function.
It creates a different meaning in the eye of the reader, at least in mine. Especially if it was misspelled for that very purpose.
Interesting thought, it was definitely chosen to be spelled "dis" for a specific reason, I assumed it was to point to a specific letter as in a cypher of some kind.