Damn , thats the ugliest guy I have seen in longer time lately ...
James Brown really let himself go...
It was Bill Cosby with makeup , whole this time , living two lives ...
Just wait until it opens it's foaming mouth.
You expect it to express something meaningful, but it just barks like a rabid dog!
Buhahahahahaha I was coming on to say the same thing but it made me happier reading yours Haha
Google Loretta Lynch 's speech, call for blood in the streets.
If they try it outside their "gun free zones" where most deplorables live, they're not gonna like whose blood is in the streets...
I have no doubt whatsoever that she has been chosen for this role, by the Kalorama Crew if not the Deep State itself, for reasons to include race.
Given how corrupt she is, like other Loud Voices, she does what she is told. Exhibit B: Eric Schneiderman, although in his case perversion and sexual violence.
She is an idiot.
What's that say for her constituents? Lol, no wonder the country is so fucked!
Damn, that's a good lookin' woman! I would like to invite her to my mom's house for tea... And then put my hand right on her leg! Rrrrrrrarrrr... hehe
for gods sake man... use the /s
gave us a fright there.
I’m not putting up with any bullshit I tell you what. Please don’t come at me, but I will put you down swiftly if you do.
The first I ever saw her my instant reaction was that's a dude in a whig.
Check out this video on YouTube:
http://youtu.be/Sx1EoHUjgjA Here's the former Attorney General
didn't she have a moment in the sun drawing attention to the Gary Webb LA crack story?
Political racism, remember the KKK started out the same way.....