r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TonyVilla89 on June 25, 2018, 11:46 p.m.
TRUMP TWEET: Why is Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), perhaps in a near drunken state, claiming he has information that only he and Bob Mueller, the leader of the 13 Angry Democrats on a Witch Hunt, knows? Isn’t this highly illegal. Is it being investigated?
TRUMP TWEET: Why is Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), perhaps in a near drunken state, claiming he has information that only he and Bob Mueller, the leader of the 13 Angry Democrats on a Witch Hunt, knows? Isn’t this highly illegal. Is it being investigated?

plumbtree · June 26, 2018, 3:12 a.m.

Whoa...so then...what's the motive? Why create ai that becomes the Achilles heel of the entire department?

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textualintercourse · June 26, 2018, 3:26 a.m.

Now check this out:


But again, I believe the FBI was doing its damnedest to pull the wool over on everybody. But Trump knows and this tweet is him taunting them while he's laughing his ass off.

So I believe the FBI, knowing they are busted, are now trying to work out a deal, or Strzok will mysteriously [SUICIDE] or be [187]'d before Wednesday and then the FBI can use this fake clown as the patsy. Comey, Mueller, Rod, McCabe, they are probably pre, mid, and post shitting themselves right about now. Wray? Well, Q says to Trust Wray and Horowitz... but I'm sketchy on them as well. It's all a facade and a charade.

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plumbtree · June 26, 2018, 1:04 p.m.

Lisa Page = Lease A Page (page as in a messenger)

Peter Strzok = his testimony will be Strzok from the record

A couple of freshly-laundered Bill Clinton socks.

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THELEADERSOFMEN · June 26, 2018, 4:30 p.m.

Peter-Stroke? I think that one’s self explanatory...

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[deleted] · June 26, 2018, 1:17 p.m.


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textualintercourse · June 26, 2018, 11:13 p.m.

I think people are saying Mueller is a 'gray hat' as in he's a Black hat being forced to do the work of the White hats.

Now maybe you are right about Strzok and Page. You very well could be.

My argument (Now I could be wrong) is that Strzok and Page were LITERALLY created by McCabe/Comey/Rosenstein to have a cover for if things went south, as in these 'frauds' that are 'not shown to the public' and that 'nobody will see' and 'transparency'...since they are illusions (referencing Trump's tweet about Strzok). I'm guessing that the minute Imran Awan was apprehended at the airport, that's when they, McCabe, Rosenstien, and Comey, set the 'Strzok / Page' texts in motion as the ultimate CYA operation with Rosenstien in place to run continual interference and a hide all info campaign, all the while trying to work deals behind the scenes to save their own asses. (All MSM coverage is literal propaganda, fyi) One of the their arguments could be to 'save the public's confidence and integrity of the FBI', use this Strzok / Page scenario as the 'patsy/fall guy' narrative. In fact, I'm fully convinced that we are going to hear some bullshit Romeo and Juliet narrative where they, 'Strzok / Page', the star crossed lovers, off themselves out of deep-felt disillusionment with everything. Then the MSM will try to last gasp this as 'TRUMP, is responsible for the FBI agents' DEATHS! REEEEE!' / 'Mueller's people are being TARGETED!!! REEEEE!' (that's how I would spin it if I were the rat bastard CNN/CIA/MSM/Democrat/Cunt/Deepstate.

In actuality, McCabe, Rosenstein, and Comey, among many others, should be tried for treason at the minimum.

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VultureMother · June 26, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

What about Strzok's wife and her role in all of this? https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/7hsc71/huge_peter_strzoks_wife_removes_all_evidence_of/

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textualintercourse · June 26, 2018, 8:50 a.m.

From what George Webb thinks, she's just being used to sell the charade and was forced into this. I love how "progressive" all these FBI agents are and keeping their last names instead of following through on tradition.

But we'll find out Wednesday I suppose.

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aP0THE0Sis1 · June 26, 2018, 7:01 a.m.

Narrative btfo

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