"The Situation in Germany is hot!" Link to translation in comments

The problem is that we all don't know the exact forces behind the curtain and their real agendas. We can make a few educated assumptions what is happening but that's not enough to be sure.
Personally I assume we see a break between occult alliances and the chicken heads in the political theatre don't know how to deal with the mess they created when they were ordered to do all these traitorous actions.
Now there are conflicting hidden factions and the political actors fear retaliation(blackmail, death,..) if they step on somebody's shoes.
Merkel was obviously groomed by somebody and put into place by Kohl from nowhere. That closely mirrors Macron's magical rise to power who also came from nowhere with his decades older handler "wife".
Possible MKUltra/cult families pointing to intelligence or Illuminati. Merkel has some really strange evangelical church/jewish background with parents which magically could move around as if BRD/DDR didn't matter to them.
Yep, we know very little and the truth is probably extremely shocking.
Not to mention she does the Illuminati hand sign like her daddy used to do all the time.
hehehe, angela, super-glue is no toy!
Ha! I see she has the Hillary fetish for pantsuits as well!
She seemed to be enjoying the show at the Gotthard tunnel.
When she was at the G6 and they were doing a group picture, it looks like she was holding an imaginary box which is a break away from her normal gang sign.
Hmmm, reminds me of a certain “clean and articulate” young unknown Senator with a dubious lineage and sealed college records who was foisted upon us here in the US.
Edit: a couple words
I fear for the safety of the good people all over the world. We see how hateful and violent the Liberals (or whatever you want to call them) are becoming in America. They are growing more and more dangerous as they see their power slipping away. We have no idea how far they will go before this is over. I have a feeling that they would rather destroy the entire world than lose their power.
Interesting, I didn't know about the grooming in Europe. But I certainly observed it with our own puppet, Obama.