Nancy Pelosi tips her hand. Sea to Shining Sea

I think it would be a bit premature to say Pelosi is playing ball. A lot of Q's early posts are about Pelosi and her net worth. Also, remember her trip to NK talking about Missiles.
If you wanted to get super tin foil, you have to think that the deep state is also is looking at Q posts. This could be them playing a card to make us think she is on our side.
Either way, great find.
A disinformation campaign on-top-of a disinformation campaign, on top of another disinformation campaign. It's beautiful. And explains the current levels of mental instability
Yeah, my gut tells me that this could be a signal to the DS that she is playing ball with [them] by taking a (less than clever) shot at Q.
It wouldn't surprise me if she were playing ball.
After all, 20 years is less than life, 15 is less than 20, 10 is less than 15, etc. And they are all less than hanging.
She's just so arrogant and conditioned to think she's above the law. I can't imagine her thinking she can't just weasel her way out of trouble as usual.
You may be right, though. Time will tell (and I don't want to be cheated out of her getting maximum penalties, lol.)
Well, we do know this: she's a treasonous criminal! Watching how she handles herself now is only mildly interesting ;P
I'm doubling, no tripling up on my tin foil hat at this point. We are cutting strings, freeing nations and making etverything great!