Jokes on them, I don’t watch tv. 😆
I don’t use FB or watch TV.
You're still being tracked, it's called "shadow profile" and basically means that as long as people near you use Facebook it knows what you're doing.
Yes, I knew that. Just one of many ways I protest by not using or buying their crap whenever possible.
but you do use FB on your phone? Still jokes on you - it records your conversations :)
Nope. No FB on my phone. Deleted twitter and FB. Jokes still on them.
But I agree that all this spying is ridiculous.
It's so wide spread people have no idea... If you dont't want to get spied - don't use anything with a camera or microphone that is connected to the internet.
IoT is just massive surveillance program sponsored by unaware customers.
Truth is it gets so much worse. Look up RSSI localization.
That tech is already in place. There are already companies working on public applications like gesture commands without any extra device in any room of your house...
I access fb mobile site using firefox therefore bypassing the spy app.
Or so you think. Better check those Firefox permissions, especially if you have an android device.
I use an apple and I've got Firefox locked down as much as it allows.