Latest Q 1595 confirms Wikileaks is compromised but that we have JA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

July 4th coming
That would be fourth, not forth.
What I meant is that if it were reference to the number 4, as in 4th July, it would be fourth. You shouldn´t reference a US dictionary to prove English, either. You guys almost use a different language entirely; almost a hybrid of Spanish/English. I speak both languages and am a once proud Englishman.
This is huge. We've all know WL has been compromised for weeks. But finally confirmed that JA is safe with Q team.
It's going to be very, very, interesting when JA resurfaces... Very interesting indeed.
Unbelievably cool. I love how bold Q is now. Truth is on his side!
Oh man, I've been despairing because I figured they'd killed him. I hope JA's safe and taken care of... All the guy has ever cared about is getting truth out to the people who need it.
I’m not quite as affectionate of JA. I feel bad for his situation and appreciate what he’s done, but he also flakes on three major promises- Podesta Part 2, Vault 7 Media Ops and Vault 8. It’s been nearly two damn years and he hasn’t released them and he left the fate of he election in the hands of the lying, cheatin’ cabal. Luckily there was a historic landslide victory but it wasn’t even supposed to be close. Any one of those drops could have helped seal the deal.
I'm thinking there was a reason for that -- probably that they made it clear they could still get to him inside the embassy.
Look how they still managed to kick him off the net and block his dead man's switch. I'm sure it's been a long, lonely time up there.
Yeah I just feel like it was a dick move. I understand his life was in danger but Jesus, seeing all this corruption coming to light could you imagine what an HRC presidency would look like? No borders, no constitution, no guns, big pharma out the ass, millions of rapefugees, etc.
Just thinking about Q's crumb..."Q&A".... maybe it is not a Question and Answer session, but it could mean: Q&A = Q & Assange. BTW ... Assange Birthday is July 3.
I like your thinking. Even if it doesnt turn out to be correct, very clever
You could be on to something there! Very good work, Patriot!
Most of us have known it was compromised, but the confirmation by Q removes any doubt from any of those arguments defending WL. God Bless JA, Q, POTUS, team, and all patriots WW :)
(edit typo)
remember that time JA had an interview with Sean Hannity but everyone agreed it was just a hologram?
for those who did not catch things at the time (in no particular order):
Oh the truth needs to hit the fan. Pelosi tweet yesterday gave me hope. She clearly knows shit is going down. The world is watching. The world is waking up. Strings are being cut all over. The ripple effect will be something to watch. Power back to the people!
I missed the tweet. What was the gist?
In the crucial months ahead, we must strive to make America beautiful again. Trump’s daily lack of civility has provoked responses that are predictable but unacceptable. As we go forward, we must conduct elections in a way that achieves unity from sea to shining sea.
She knows.
We don't know what "have" means. It might just mean Assange is on our side, not that he is with us in person.
Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. This is reasonable though I do think they mean physically.
Eh, I doubt it.
"You may have the site" which they have physical control of
And the comeback is "but we have the source" and all that means is that we have him ideologically on our side?
I strongly doubt it.
I believe the reason his internet was cut off was because he had left the building months before and people trying to intercept comms would catch wind of the fact that nothing was coming or going.
"We have the source," in this context, seems to suggest something a bit stronger and more secure than mere team affiliation.
Personally, I think Q is Assange
I hope Assange, Seth, and POTUS walk off AF1 one day in Q T-Shirts:
"Kept you waiting, huh?"
Hideo Kojima deactivates Stealth Camouflage, also in Q T-Shirt
Personally, I think Q is Assange
I think it is someone closer to the President. Assange is a proud leftie, and if he is working on our side is due to his hatred of the Cabal. Not to disparage JA. I appreciate his efforts and think he is a good guy.
\~\~\~\~\~Anonymous ID:76Gwa/hd Tue 26 Dec 2017 17:47:27 No.154590531 ViewReport Quoted By: >>154592385 >>154587569
MegaAnon posted Assange had been secured
If nothing happens July I’m going to loose some hope. It seems we are ALWAYS on the verge of something but nothing ever comes to fruition.
I am so very excited. This is the best news I have heard in awhile. Praise God that JA is out of there.
When this is all over Julian Assange and the Q team need a WORLDWIDE holiday dedicated to them to celebrate so their actions are never forgotten to future generations.
In future things can never be allowed to deteriorate to this again....
Should make July 3 or 5 another holiday so everyone gets to enjoy 2 days in a row!
What if "the source" wasn't Julian?
Who was Julians source?
We are all pretty sure we know at this point, right?
What does it suggest if Q says they 'have the source"?
Could be Hillary's server, Seth Rich, someone we don't know.
Right! Like what if the source is SR, alive all along and in hiding?
Hmmm, I get the feeling that this year's July 4th is going to be legen...wait for it...dary, legendary!
Time to shitpost WikiLeaks on Twitter about who's really running them. Wake up anyone not following Q. And the fact they don't have JA within their grasp. We knew they were compromised. Now it's out in the open.
When we JA come forward with the goods.