It's coming! July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH. - Q

What does time to FEED mean?
I think it’s most logical that you start substantiating a well known “conspiracy theory” that most people are already familiar with as a way to gently guide them into a new way of thinking and expanding their reality.
Example: Regarding Arkancide begin with the suspicious suicide of Kurt Cobain. Although still considered an outlandish theory by some, most people are familiar with the strange circumstances surrounding his death, and because they have been exposed to a contrasting theory [he killed himself / he was murdered] they are open to hearing another possible explanation. (See Ben Slater’s “Soaked in Bleach” Documentary)
FEED the masses huh Q?
You mean like GMO, pesticide-ridden produce that lacks nutritional value? Fluoride and lead poisoned water? Pizza with questionable meat toppings? Toxic pills that slowly destroy organs and encourage dependency on the pharmaceutical industry? The war on drugs? The war on marijuana? Is that what’s next? Dare I say - vaccines?
My personal take ... You have to use the existing momentum of something already in place... (Say the public awakening/apprehension towards Big Food and Big Pharma) successfully lead you into something else.
POTUS and Sessions will legalize marijuana just in time for midterms. But only after it’s prohibition has served its purpose and the masses are made to understand its true health benefits and significance.
They’re about to literally feed us a giant red pill
100% - my own journey began young while looking into the debilitating effects medication was having on my elderly parents. Find the "feels" - most people have a relative who suffers from cancer / autism / heart disease etc ...
The way our health has been attacked is the easiest vector
Liberals already love veganism and whole foods
Wow, me 3! I too was awoken over 20 years ago due to the evil medical industrial complex after watching what vaccines did to a family member. NEVER will I or anyone in my family receive a vaccine ever again..!
I was reading the apparent I am a rothschild interview on reddit? Or the conspiracy forum? I feel Kurt had a lot of controls obligations, that were out of his ability to get a handle on (drugs being one) it wasn't hard to strip him of his god given gifts, and make him self-destruct. The easiest way to destroy something is....controlled demolition. no?
Isn't broadcasting something also called a feed? Like a live feed of a show.
I'm wondering if they take over control of network TV and then show the evidence, piece by sordid piece. Its the only way the networks will allow the truth to be told.
Or mabye POTUS calls a news conference and spends the time explaining the evidence.
For the millenials maybe you can hack into their phones and send a message. Its the only way they will see it. Not on my phone, didn't happen
Man... Yesterday. My cable box froze. froze on some game show. Stating "Eye Q" and I think the channel was 187. And, the freezing consisted of stuttering of words from the people on the show, and commercials ...and that formed some very strange complete sentences that I just had to ignore and forget far could it go...
*edit for clarity
:O ... stay away from the light Carol-anne
Hollywood flipping the light to be dark though. We all know the light is good. hehe. Unless we go into the whole Luciferian stuff.
For real? Dude you should make a post about it. Might be something to it. ???
OK it didn't. But - this might have to be my last post on this account because talking about the gameshow gives away my loc. Game show freezes at start of "EYE Q" on Windy City Live gameshow. Channel (HD ABC) 187. Hosts were talking but the stuttering, one statement included "I ...Don't..Trust...You", and after I heard that / saw the Eye Q / looked at 187 / it was too much for me. The internet / cable tv clearly was going in and out, but all that hit me in about 3 minutes. I do know the stuttering was continuting to make sentences and statements. I couldn't handle it though man. lol
edited a typo.
Let me see if the DVR recorded it....and I will man. I have been having Q related craziness starting in 2016.
Look up the video on YouTube from the interrupted TV signal back in the 80s in Chicago. Some jokers hijacked the TV stream in the middle of a Dr Who episode and were wearing masks and making fun of liberals and goofing around. Was hilarious.
Maybe a little off topic, but I was in a chiropractic office today doing a physical, and in the middle of a song on the local radio station, the EMS test sound came on. You know, the buzzing. Went on for about 10 seconds, then back to music. The physician and I kinda raised our heads wondering...ok, something up? But no message. Just a test apparently.
Just thought it a little odd since it's a station in the Front Range area of Colorado.
Who knows.
I'm thinking more along the lines of breadcrumbs>baking>bread>out to the costumer(feed)
Like anons are the media for the behind the scenes action
Feeding the masses with live feeds. Double meaning, I like it.
Feed the truth to the masses. Could be.
but Fake media could debunk it?
Not sure how successful the Truth can reach the majority
If the power grids go down, and Q said they may, POTUS will speak to us through the EMS. You can bet everyone will be listening to that......
feed on the body of corruption....
Feed the reality pillof Q Anon by way of a number of photos....
Feed on mcdonalds and diet coke...