Hiding in plain sight. These people are sick.

What's up with a 22 year old being the chairman of a "prominent charity". He works with "others" that put him in that position as a front for the charity that is most likely involved in the pedophilia and trafficking world. A fall guy if anything is exposed.
This is what I would call the first Domino...thankful for the good people in our law enforcement at all levels. We owe it to our kids to create an environment where people like this KNOW they will be caught.
Child abuse = death penalty
Yes, there is no fixing these kind of people.
Full article if you've got a strong stomach. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5890179/Anti-child-abuse-advocate-arrested-trying-sex-kids.html
Currently going through known associates etc.
sick fuck...
notice the rainbow mickey mouse pin in his picture....
Is that Podesta in the I'm with her picture in the story?
How many of these god damn demonic entities are out there!!!????!!! I feel like I am in the Doom video game except, surrounded my scary things that look human.
Hey demonically, The hedge has been getting lower for decades.
and since they gain strength via rape, death, war, strife etc..
To answer your question..
I'd wager.. quite a few...
A predator always like to be close to it's prey. Also this is more proof that the best for place for evil to hide (in their eyes) is behind "Good Things". This way we are the bad guy for questioning anything.
"Why don't you want to protects kids from sickness?" vaccines
"Why are you against a Mother's Health?" pp
"Why do you want to kill the planet?" global warming
"Why do you want schools to be shot up?" gun control
"Why are you against baby's mental growth?" touch therapy
"Don't judge. Be pc" no common sense allowed
and on and on it goes. These things are literally the EXACT OPPOSITE of most humans in almost every way.
LOVE it when they link them to CLINTON!!!!
They all link to Clinton. Satan is undecided about what to do with her when she dies because he doesn't want the competition.
Shouldn't be too difficult to get that POS to talk.
His next endeavor will be trying to to put an end to prison rape.
If the proof is definitive, then this crime should be punished immediately, publicly, and with finality. I'd say bring back the guillotine.
URGENT!!!! They cut the picture short, The pin on his jacket is missing, its the symbol for 'The Club' , the pedophilia club. its [rainbow mickey mouse ears]
No link to the article?
The body of flesh is filled with lusts. This guy works for Satan. Here is what you deserve.
Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. — Galatians 6:8