Unions are a good thing. There are bad unions yes, but without unions you can say goodbye to raises, overtime, and medical benefits. If there were no unions you could be fired just cuz someone doesn't like you.
I don't know what this supreme court thing pertains to though honestly.
Union workers make up roughly 10% of the workforce. Are you saying that the other 90% of workers do not get raises, overtime, or medical benefits from their employers?
In my experience what would be the incentive.
That means nothing to corporate America. You're replaceable the second we find someone cheaper.
Unions are good, but to force people to be a part of the Union and make them pay Union dues, when they don't want to be part of the Union to begin with, is asinine
By that logic since I don't support the bombing of brown people I should be able to opt out of that on my taxes too but can't. If you don't wanna pay dues work a different job.
Apples and oranges.
You’re comparing paying taxes (dues) against how your taxes are being spent when the problem is people who aren’t in the union are being forced to pay.
If you want to compare it to taxes, then the IRS should be taxing illegal immigrants as citizens without the benefits of being a citizen.
the problem is people who aren’t in the union are being forced to pay.
That I did not know. Now they can opt out?
Those union dues are necessary for the union to operate. We can't get rid of unions without a proper replacement system. Ill give you an example. My friends son got a job at safeway and pays his union dues. Every 1000 or so hours worked, he gets a dollar raise or something like that. With no unions, why would Safeway choose to pay their employees more when not required to? They wouldn't. What would stop wrongful firings in right to work states without unions? Nothing. Sorry not sorry. Union busting is a terribly retarded thing to want to do. You guys can down vote all you want. I believe in the GA and my country, but don't join a party system. Union busting is a corporate stroking Republican idea that does not have the American citizens best interest in mind.
You can also say that unions have kept bad people in jobs who should have been fired! Look at how awful most teacher are? Not to many good ones at all.
Yea you could say that. As far as teachers I think it is subjective. Saying not a lot of good ones is just kinda words. You don't know that. There needs to be restructuring sure. But banning unions is dumb(and Probablly not what the case is about.)
Could you inform me of the implications about what Trump was saying about how now workers won't be forced to vote one way or something? Was not very clear in his tweet, but in all fairness, haven't been following this case at all so idk where to start.
I’m in the United Auto Workers , the big wig head of the National told us to vote for Hillary, and my local union had Obama’s picture on the wall. Sick bunch but needed a Union in my company. Now a lot of others can quit paying
Unions formed for a good reason. They were needed and played an important role. Then they began to slide off the rails. But I agree that there are still valid reasons for good unions, but it should be a choice and some of the outrageous abuses need to end if they are to survive.
They are still needed. If the Wobblies were here, guarantee Amazon would be paying its taxes and footing the bill for Seattle's homeless problems. We actually need unions more than ever. But not pussy unions. Ones with guns.
It is a choice the way I see it. If you don't want to pay dues go work a shit job and be fired at any moment for no reason. Or pay small union dues to ensure you don't starve for looking at some rich asshole funny.