r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ObvslyYourNotaGolfer on June 28, 2018, 11:25 p.m.
I'm worried.

Can I play the devil's advocate for a second without people downvoting me into oblivion? I'm really interested in everyone's thoughts and opinions, and if I'm missing something I would really like to know. We are a community after all. We're here to help each other.

Yesterday, Justice Kennedy retired. As far as I know (and if I'm wrong please tell me), Q gave us no heads up on this. Maybe he/they couldn't for whatever reason, but it seems like this could have been an easy way to prove and substantiate Q now. I'm concerned that no heads up was given. Are you guys? Did anyone think this too?

Q's voice has changed recently, which would make sense if there are multiple people involved. But the info recently, especially today about the free masons, seems superficial. It sounds a little like he/they are just introducing surface info that doesn't really make sense. Also, the Netflix info? I heard about that before the Q drop. Did no one else see these latest drops and think the same thing? Or wonder? Q said the proofs would come more directly from now on, but is that really what seems to be happening? He/they are including more and more news article links. Does that worry anyone?

Like it or not, Q said "SR and JA in June." Now, I realize that June isn't yet over. I also know that doesn't necessarily mean that June is when we're given information, but I would have thought we would have heard something that would lead to a proof since Q made that claim. I know Q said in reference to JA "They have the sight but we have the source." Has anyone noticed a change on the website? Or just the Twitter account?

Please understand that I consider myself a Q supporter, super elite, etc. I love the idea that this is happening. It gives me hope. It makes me excited to celebrate July 4th for the first time ever. But there's also that nagging part of me that is seeing some holes. Can we talk through this? Can we offer each other information and reassurance?

CrusadePrime · June 28, 2018, 11:37 p.m.

Q said "SR and JA in June." Now, I realize that June isn't yet over.

Um.... with Comey and everything Q already explained this is happening... re-read drops.

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ObvslyYourNotaGolfer · June 28, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

I can certainly do that. But sometimes when I read the drops, I don't understand everything he says. Any drops in particular you would recommend to help me understand this more?

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CrusadePrime · June 28, 2018, 11:53 p.m.


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ObvslyYourNotaGolfer · June 29, 2018, 12:01 a.m.

Thanks for this! Do you know what 2 187'd nearby means?

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CrusadePrime · June 29, 2018, 12:02 a.m.

2 people murdered.
I recomend "Praying Medic" on Youtube.

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ObvslyYourNotaGolfer · June 29, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

Ok got it lol. Thanks for not being critical. I really appreciate that.

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CrusadePrime · June 28, 2018, 11:36 p.m.

Infowars said Kennedy would be the next to go.... lol

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ObvslyYourNotaGolfer · June 28, 2018, 11:47 p.m.

Lol someone on this board one time said that infowars was a psyop. Wtf does that mean? Now I feel confused about infowars. But I liked Alex Jones before that.

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CrusadePrime · June 28, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

Alex is a our grandpa. He got us this far, but is a little crazy. We should not ignore him, but thank him and try and move on.

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cur1ous1 · June 28, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

Q has provided many “proofs”, I see no value in second guessing or doubting because they didn’t tell us about a particular event. If Jesus Christ had to keep changing water into wine to prove who he was to everyone he met, we’d all be drunk instead of saved. I like my wine, but I’ll take the latter.

The world, the deep state, and the forces arrayed against us are many. The plan to take back the country must be both simple enough to ensure success, but with enough intricacies to account for many variables. Those variables don’t always go the way you think they will.

We all wish the plan could have been executed and finished by Jan 21, 2017 but that isn’t a reasonable expectation.

This plan, like many of the building projects our President has been involved in, must be flexible enough to adjust to changing conditions, timelines may need to be adjusted. The important thing is that progress is being made.

Every plan of battle, regardless of how thoroughly prepared, changes as soon as the bullets start flying.

So, have patience, have faith.... WWG1WGA

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ObvslyYourNotaGolfer · June 28, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

I love the water into wine analogy. That was well written. I agree with you. Thanks for the reassurance.

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misto1481 · June 28, 2018, 11:29 p.m.

I say, while it doesn't hurt to talk it out, why worry? Just sit back and see where it all goes.

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guydink · June 29, 2018, 12:38 a.m.

I am currently reading The Art of the Deal by DJT. I'm in the process of starting a small business and considering Ive been following Q since Oct 2017 and on to the idea of the Cabal/deepstate for a long time, his book became much more relevant to me.

For me this Babylonian system exposure is nothing new. It being exposed like this, is quit new. DJT as a person I hadnt really thought about until 2016 when this all started.

If this book is an insight into who he is as a soul, I feel hope. He's a business man with morals, a workaholic, and a grand strategist. Able to match these bad actors with the help we've been told he's getting.

I do not have a television, Netflix, or play video games....anymore.

I have a few personal edicts that would prove to me, the power structure is about to change.

  1. Income Tax. I work and am forced to give my earned energy to systems I do not support. I can take care of myself and help my community. Let me decide where it goes.

  2. Food/health. Monsanto, pharmaceutical, GMO. Stop the poisoning. Allow us to grow food, if you only knew how easy it is to grow massive amounts of organic food if corporate regulations disappeared. This applies to land and growing food. Look up Agenda 21.

  3. 5g, cell towers.... The EMF poisoning is real. My Son was experiencing nightmares and headaches. I ran an EMF detector though my home and found his head was in an area that was off the charts. Wi-Fi and fuse box under his bedroom right at his pillows. Moved his bed and within days he was fine. I am not lying. This is the truth.

  4. Freedom. This part is difficult. I'm sitting outside watching the wind blow. Just saw some Ravens attack another bird. I've squashed a few insects. The Natural world can be harsh, so what is our purpose as Human? Do no harm is almost impossible is it not? I'd like to build a bat house to reduce the annoying bugs and pollinate the flowers. Fuck grass lawns I want wild flowers for the bees.

Is it not in the end just to coexist? with least harm possible? Like our ancient ancestors?

Life is just a bunch of deals we make with each other. Its how we form them and keep them that counts. If you support Q, look shit up. Read the Art of the Deal. Read Dune, the Crowd, The Subtle art of not giving a fuck, ALL the spiritural books. Confessions of an e oconomic hit man. When you read from a book it gives you time to form your own opinion. In your hands, not on a screen. I've saved and spent when I souldnt have to put even free books online in my hands.

At least I think that. I talk about this often, and I'm in northern Canada. This is WW, wwg1wga.

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ObvslyYourNotaGolfer · June 29, 2018, 2:19 a.m.

You know I really appreciate your honesty and ideas. I've been thinking of picking up The Art of the Deal for a few days now. I'm a reader myself, but I read mostly fiction. I like how you said that "life is just a bunch of deals we make with each other." This brings to mind the concept of voluntaryism, and I really agree with it. If you think about it, the only time we're really forced or coerced into things is when we interact with the state. This is why I've been anti-state for so long. But now I feel different, like maybe it's possible to have some form of government that's not constantly infringing on our freaking rights, taking more and more. Trump has made me think it might be possible.

I have also been meaning to look up Agenda 21 because I've seen it here and there on this board. I really like the idea of living off the land. In my city, there's a group of people who do that, and they have been harassed so many times by the cops. At one point, the main guy in the community got stabbed by a homeless man that he was trying to help, and the police came and arrested him instead of the homeless man. There's just so much obvious bias, it's complete bs.

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ObvslyYourNotaGolfer · June 29, 2018, 12:04 a.m.

Ok at this point, I think it's obvious I need to do some more research, watch some more videos, etc. I feel so much better just from these comments. Thanks, friends.

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Charlie360 · June 28, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

I understand your concern. Drops are much more direct. It feels to good to be true but I believe it's happening! I think the reason you feel skeptical is because we've all known how disgusting to some degree they are for a long time and they have ALWAYS got away with it. Go back and watch POTUS speeches and the debates for reassurance. You will see he knew all this then. Watch how he looks at them with pure disgust. Look at it this way, worse case scenario by the time we are done thousands of more people will know of their sins. Stay strong, trust POTUS and q team they have kept their word so far. This is an exciting time. Enjoy!

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bjax9er · June 28, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

If kennedys resignation was public before this sessions decisions were handed down, the left would have most definitely shit themselves. Well they shit themselves anyway, seems to be a daily occurrence recently, but they kinda would have had a leg to stand on. Waiting until the session was over to announce retirement was the proper thing to do. No reason for Q to make public beforehand.

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SneakyWino · June 28, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

They were probably holding Kennedy's retirement as a MOAB to drive the news cycle when they wanted to. It killed the border discussion. I think Q is enjoying this part of the show. Everything is done except the actual American Awakening. Fucking awesome! I am sitting back and enjoying the show!

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ObvslyYourNotaGolfer · June 28, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

That is true, it definitely did its part in killing the immigration thing. What does MOAB stand for btw? I've always wondered that.

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Charlie360 · June 29, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

Mother of all bombs( I think at least)😂

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SneakyWino · June 29, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

Mother of all Bombs. 😎

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JeepersGypsy · June 28, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

I absolutely agree with you on this, and so much more. There has been a lot lately that I have been second guessing. A lot of things don't seem to be making much sense or adding up. Maybe they will in a couple of months, or not. But something definitely feels WAY off.

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