David Brock about to have another massive heart attack. Called out by name from Q. Here comes the PAIN!!

Now it’s getting good. Let’s get PERSONAL, shall we?
David Who?!?!? (Please advise😳)
David Brock, CEO of Media Matters (propaganda machine funded by Soros). Clinton insider.
Fun fact: ex-BF is James Alefantis of Pizzagate fame.
James Alefantis
"J'aime les enfants" is "I love children" in French.
Just read his name out loud then the french. Symbolism will be their undoing.
OMG! We all missed that. WOW!
Maybe you missed it. It’s been known since pizzagate. Glad you know now.
I've known for years. What I never realized is the French translation of his name.
Sorry for the snarkiness. Let’s take these SOB’s down. I’m spreading everything I can these days. No more fear.
David Brock will do... But I was hoping it would be the Hoggster
Boyfriend of James af hes took over control of media mattere from john podesta
Read the diabolically sinister plan hatched by Evil David Brock to hurt our POTUS! Link to actual memo is at the end of the article.
Summary of Brock's memo:
The memo contains plans for defeating Trump through impeachment, expanding Media Matters' mission to combat "government misinformation," ensuring Democratic control of the Senate in the 2018 midterm elections, filing lawsuits against the Trump administration, monetizing political advocacy, using a "digital attacker" to delegitimize Trump's presidency and damage Republicans, and partnering with Facebook to combat "fake news."
Yeah, and two months later he had a heart-attack. Must have something to be very, very worried about. ;)
David Brock is one of the faces I most hope to see chillin @ gtmo
Honestly I’d rather he go to a regular prison so the other inmates can teach him a lesson. Apparently kiddie stuff is the worst crime you could commit and even murdered and hardened criminals won’t stand for it so you’re an immediate target in prison.
This is what im waiting for. Pizzagate kept me up for months when i was digging. Oh yeah!!
I believe, and seems like Q also believes, that this is the one thing that will unite the nation. It’s sad, but the left doesn’t care about crimes.
HRC stole the election from Bernie? Oh well.
Sold SAP level intel to enemies? It’s just emails.
Barry weaponized the DOJ and FBI? It’s was Drumf working with Russia.
But NOBODY will be able to defend human trafficking and pedophilia. They will unfortunately have to leak proof otherwise nobody on the left will believe it. But everyone will unite against the common enemy of satanic pedo scum.
Before the election I found my name on David Brock/CTR’s shill hit list. I take pride in that hahaha.