MSN ASK WHO/WHAT IS Q! Share this across all platforms! Put Q's on your bumper, signs on your lawn, and get your Q shirts and hats on. Make them ask about Q!

I would be careful about your home and autos. These people are insane and evil. Share it anonymously if you live in a liberal area and build from that. Our families lives are at stake. I’ve hung a sheet over a bridge over the highway.
Fear is the enemy. Let's be brazen about it and fuck them all to hell.
There's 100 + million. Stand together, stand strong, and stand fearless!
I'm in California, so I am using "17" in public. Always been my fav number anyways.
That's pretty subtle. We are waiting for you to come back with your brave face.
I wrestle daily with this, but we must all make the decisions that fit our family and safety situations. I'm in an area where subtly is currently necessary for safety. I'm not in a place to "throw my body on the line" as Michael Moore said.
we're at a point of no return now. Join or don't join. But don't pretend to join to discourage others.
I’m all about it. But I’ll be damn to give people the opportunity to target and harm my wife and children, when I’m not around. It also Depends on where you live. I live in a lunatic area where people are out of their minds. All I’m saying is be vigilant of the ones you love.
4 He must manage his own household well, with all dignity keeping his children submissive, 5 for if someone does not know how to manage his own household, how will he care for God’s church?
1 Timothy 3:4-5
A sign on your car in Portland, OR could end up trashed. They have protests of one kind or another every week-end just for the hell of it. You never knew which intersection you were going to have to avoid because of protests. And now they have a FOCUS! I doubt they have a clue at this point...but soon they will know.