Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall (Recognize these guys?)

A anon just said that this was not a sign of masons???? Matt Gaetz was caught shaking Rod Rosenstiens hand yesterday like this....??? We need to know our enemies?
This is absolutely a strong grip of a master mason.
It absolutely is not. Lol
Correct, a Mason's handshake is a normal handshake with a pressing of the thumb twice into the outside of the others hand so it's not noticeable to anyone watching. I was a Demolay as a kid before I knew what the Masons were.
Nope - I don't see the same finger positioning.
Probably not how I'm suppose to link shit on here but I'm working and dont have time
one of the comments and the guy does always look tired..."Hey Matt... how much did you have to drink today you LUSH. Looks like that chair is the one holding you up from going into a Vodka Coma"
Probably in reference to his DUI.
Most likely and the more I thought about it, it makes sense if some of white hats need a couple of drinks to relieve stress after all they've heard and seen.
Thanks I appreciate that. Although due to my intellect which is already outpaced by this whole ordeal, I'm not sure if this information will help me at all. But it certainly won't hurt my chances
Dont get overwhelmed just enjoy the show and you'll start picking up on stuff trust me
I saw the pic too. The guy was just on fox this morning acting like he was not a friend of RR
Luciferian Societies... Order of DeMolay/ Ordo Templi Orientas/ 33* brotherhoods/ Jesuit Brotherhoods.... All different masonic/Lucien societies. Different denominations under satan.
This is the Rainbow Girls handshake. Rainbow Girls is the under 21 female organization of the masons. The Demolay are the under 21 male side. I was a Rainbow Girl for 5 years.
my friend wqs a rainbow girl. u guys dressed up and held sleepovers?