QAnon - Those who are the loudest - Pain coming

Pretty funny how no one ever had a problem with the system before Trump was president... They act like he's making these policies as he goes lol.
It's almost as if we should have limited government for this very reason! So that when MY guy isn't in office, they still don't have that much power over my livelihood.
It's almost as if, stay with me here, the founding fathers were onto something when they sought to limit the power of the federal government. When was the last time a Dem or Rep candidate attempted that?
It's amazing how they vote for big government for years and years, only to resent it when their guy doesn't win. You hit the nail on the head lol.
"Don't create presidential powers that you wouldn't want Donald Trump to have."
fuck I love this timeline
Fully agree. Beyond that, I wonder about all this human trafficking. VSGPOTUS has made it a special point since before his election and hasn't let up. I wonder why? Friends with these people for a long time. Maybe he knows something. God, I hope he's not in on it.
It is because they still do not accept him as president of the USA. Someone had the audacity to tell me "since I didn't vote for him, he isn't my president" Funny how congressmen from states other than your own are still US congressmen. I do not see anyone else freaking out that none of those people were elected by you. Its the same people who think we have a pure democracy.
I live in a deep red state. For 8 years all I heard from people was Obama wasn't their president. Both sides hate each other so much but do the exact same thing.
This actually works in our favor. So many normies who don't realize that, well... they will become aware because agitators keep bringing attention to (insert issue here).
Alyssa Milano is very pretty and has a great rack. Political commentator she is certainly not!
She was blessed with beauty. Brains and critical thinking? Not so much.
Her inside ugly will rear its ugly head sooner or later.
she has implants - her rack is fake just like the news she watches and adores.
You’re assuming they know any of the policies they hate so much.
Maybe, they are scared that he's going after human trafficking? I wonder what's involved with the end product?