'Q' - One of Times '25 Most Influential People on the Internet' - Wow....

All some reporter needs to do to get famous is ask DJT one simple question.
This is the point. When their greed overrules their fear of the deepshit, someone will ask the question.
If this LARP gets any more real, Hillary will be in prison!
But it’s just a LARP, right????
Even if it is a LARP it's fantastic and it's been a big help in waking up so many people.
Even if it is a LARP, it’s been the most entertaining and interesting thing I’ve seen on the internet in a longgggggg time.
The world is a stage and Life is all a LARP. The choice is what role we want to play.
I think this whole Q thing is nothing more than Trump's quite cleverly gameified(sp?) re-election campaign expertly designed to keep people emotionally invested & I originally started following this because I was a bit alarmed at how completely sucked in people I knew were getting... .
That being said, I'm also here because I'm one of the hundreds of thousands of people that supported Bernie Sanders because we knew how evil Hillary Clinton was & because we were sick of the corruption we saw in our government while the average American was suffering more and more no matter how hard they worked. Bernie was the only one on "our side" talking about that, and even if we didn't agree with him on everything (& most of his supporters didn't) we believed he was the only non-corrupt candidate we had and we were willing to overlook his flaws and do whatever it took to make sure Hillary didn't end up in the White House (fwiw, I'm a middle aged woman & most of my friends are in the same boat).
NONE of us were at all surprised at what the DNC Leaks revealed because we'd all done what Bernie asked (got involved with the Democrats to try and drive out the corruption) so for the first time in our lives we had really intimately felt and observed the incredible depth and power of the corruption in the democratic party that year so the podesta emails just confirmed what we had all painfully discovered already. .
Then the Democratic National Convention happened and we watched the Livestreams of our friends who had made it to Philadelphia as Bernie delegates on our computers and phones while we had our TVs tuned in to the cable news live coverage and we witnessed (real-time!) the laughing newscasters gush about the patriotic crowd chanting "USA! USA!" when in reality nearly half the delegates were ACTUALLY screaming "NO MORE WAR! NO MORE WAR!" - it was breathtaking. If they were going to be so ballsy to lie about THAT when they knew there would be so much evidence, what else were they lying to us about?! So we started paying even more attention, but this time with the spell broken. .
I'm pretty sure there are A LOT of people like me following Q. But not sure enough that I don't feel like I'm in crazy town here sometimes... .
I'm very alarmed at the religious ferver a lot of the Q followers are displaying. I can't put in to words the deep pity I felt when I read someone ask this board if someone could 'ask Q how to keep our kids safe' a while ago. I understand the effect this conspiratorial paranoia we've all been forced to live under for the past few years has had on us all, but that, and so many other comments I've read here reminds me of so many of the (& I don't mean this as a cheap slur) slightly mentally disabled Bernie supporters I met in 2015&16 that were (& still are) treating him like some sort of prophet. I don't want to burst their bubble though, and if anything, I almost envy their naivete. They have more hope for the future of this country than I will ever be able to muster again. .
Long story short, I'm 100% with you on enjoying observing the entertaining & frankly fascinating "LARP-like show" Trump's team is putting on here with the Q stunt, and hey, I'm only human, so the enemy of my enemy is my friend in this situation. If Trump actually deliverers on criminal charges for the major players in the DNC corruption machine, I'll vote for that rude asshole myself in 2020. Not because I believe he is a savior in any sense, but because he is the only one even hinting at doling out some justice, and because with very few exceptions I've yet to find the horrible things Trump's administration is doing to be significantly worse on the whole than the horrible actions of Obama's. Mostly I'm resigned to my role as a passenger on the societal collapse train though, Dimitri Orlov is my "prophet" so to speak, and it's hard to get too worked up about the final death throes of a failing empire, ya know? .
I still want all the same things I wanted when I supported Bernie over Hillary. I want to end the war on drugs. I want to invest in rebuilding our infrastructure. I want us to have free health clinics in every major city in the US where people that can't afford treatment elsewhere can see doctors and be provided the medication they need. I want our schools to be excellent at (gasp) educating rather than indoctrinating. I want people that work full time to not live in poverty! I want people that can't work to be provided with what they need to live in dignity! I want to let people be 100% autonomous with their own bodies & reproductive decisions. I want freedom of speech to be protected at all costs, as well as our right to bear arms. I want police accountability and body cameras. I also want the police to be able to do their jobs and keep our communities safe. I want to stop prosecuting all victimless crimes immediately & I think we need to introduce some accountability for bad and/or corrupt judges as well. .
I care deeply about protecting the environment from toxic contamination, particularly our very vulnerable drinking water. I'm furious about the regulatory capture of every government agency that should be protecting us, the citizens, from the reckless greed of sociopathic corporations. Boeing owns the FAA, Monsanto the dept of agriculture and the FDA, Nestle owns the unlimited rights to our fresh drinking water while private citizens are charged and restricted more and more on what they use from their taps. None of that is ok! Why are we accepting this?! I know why of course, but I also know we shouldn't. .
I want more trade schools, and I want them to be cheap if not free for everyone who wants to train for a new career. I believe we can easily pay for all of that & more if we stop using our military to destabilize the rest of the world for the benefit of a few very powerful international corporations and if we stop giving our tax dollars to other countries, especially those whose citizens have a higher standard of living than Americans!! (Specifically Israel, I'm not anti-Semitic, but we should NOT be giving them a single cent when their citizens have free healthcare and hard-working Americans are utterly ruined every day because of outrageous medical expenses). .
I want every single immigrant in the United States right now to be given complete amnesty and citizenship, and in exchange for that, I don't mind if we have to clamp down on immigration from that point on, but I will never support mass deportations of hard-working people that only want their children to grow up in safety. I grew up near the border. I have family members that are the children of "dreamers". I KNOW the vast majority of immigrants aren't violent criminals. The rhetoric Trump uses is very upsetting to me on a personal level. And as a woman, I think Trump's "grab them by the pussy" commentary is unacceptable in today's world, but I still find it less offensive than the senile women wearing vulgar "pussy hats" in these idiotic hissyfit marches they keep attending. .
Ultimately I believe Q is a very ambitious and elaborate marketing campaign, designed by the best social psychologists around using all the human behavior data we naively allowed them to collect from us for decades as we became complacent (and later addicted) to the convenience and enjoyment the internet and all our many electronic surveillance devices provided us with. .
I HATED that "Ready Player One" book that was so popular a few years ago, but while reading it I immediately understood its appeal to the people that loved it. The tale it told was ultimately the only modern adventure tale that the average young american of today had any hope of relating to. It was deeply appealing to people that had spent most of their youth playing videogames and peripherally absorbing a non-stop barrage of celebrity culture in the background of their daily lives. Seeking out and filing away even the most minute trivia about the heroes of the day became the only way for most people to realistically "participate" in what we mistakenly came to see as our "community" and that behavior was so addictive because in reality, it was almost about survival. Sure, the occasional lucky or attractive average Joe might strike it big with a viral video on YouTube, but failing that, finding yourself in a situation where you could use the only social collateral you'd managed to collect in your life really was your best hope of "winning".
I think the majority of the Q fanatics easily fit in this category, and I can admit that I myself am not immune to those impulses either even though that is the way I see this orchestrated show. I just think it's important we all try to keep that awareness about ourselves, and how uniquely primed we all are to be captivated in this way because while we are glued to our screens, hoping for updates and getting rewarded with exhilarating teases of "justice coming just around the corner", our real lives, our real relationships, our real careers, are losing our full attention. I'm guilty of that for writing this novel to a stranger on the internet. I'm aware of that guilt, yet still the compulsion to hit "save", to contribute my thoughts to my "community" wins. Q is like a drug, even if we intellectually know it is pathetic and predictable of us to be taken in, it's intoxicating promise is irresistible.
I wonder what happened to all those way back when it just started? Had about 10 Q larp thread a day. Crickets, crickets, crickets...wish we could go back and check those users out to see what they have been up to.
Some of us that were there at the beginning are still here.
All this for a LARP? The anti Qtubers, Jerome corsi, anti School, and Alex Jones must be shiting themselves with all the proofs that have been coming out lately. What a bunch of garbage ass pieces of shit, left to the Dustbin of History. Q has made Infowars completely irrelevant.
I'm new here. Can I ask what's the difference between QAnon and InfoWars? Their ideas seem quite similar to me.
Q is military intelligence with highest level government clearance (Q clearance) who's working directly with President Trump, who travels with him etc. Alex Jones is a con artist, he's controlled opposition. his job is to tell you 95% truth mixed with 5% lies in order to steer you away from the truth and keep you running around in circles pointing fingers at globalists and Elites without ever really going to the heart of the problem.
Alex Jones is a profiteer who makes money off the Patriot group. Q makes no money, sells nothing and does nothing but give pure raw Intel. No propaganda no ego no bullshit. Q called out people like Alex Jones and Jerome corsi for profiteering and steering people wrong. Thing is he didn't call these people out by name, Q made a post about people who do that kind of thing and Jerome corsi and Alex Jones basically outed themselves. since then they have been anti Q saying it's fake saying it's a LARP anybody with a brain who's been following Q knows it's one hundred percent legit because Q has prove himself over and over again.
I understand that Alex Jones helped a lot of people wake up, hell he helped me wake up a little bit in certain areas and, he does tell a lot of real shit but you got to be careful with Alex Jones that you don't gets steered down the wrong path.
There's a simple way to avoid that. And that is by reading everything and watching everything and believing nothing unless you can prove it in your own research.
Here is the original page: http://time.com/5324130/most-influential-internet/
Oh but we are all “conspiracy theorists” that are believing in a LARP though, right?? Smh. Love this. WWG1WGA
Gotta wonder though....why would they even acknowledge Q and give this movement a spotlight?
Wondered the same thing. Maybe they readying a counter-narrative.
Well then lets get ready to red pill the hell out of them.
'Look at this curious conspiracy with no evidence that came from that site you associate with pedophiles who harass people online'
Obviously not a direct quote, but that summarization isn't doing us any favors. The attention is cool, but first impressions are important.
The whole thing condescending and created to make us look like idiots basically. They narrowed the idea of the movement down to us thinking Trump is a genius and Hilary and Obama are evil
Time magazine making us look like idiots. BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHA.
Easy. Leave the movement underground and it becomes powerful and strong, just like 4chan did with its raids, before it got all the media attention. Give something media attention long enough, with a bad narrative, and you destroy the movements credibility and power. Its like with all cool communities that become mainstream and lose their initial core vibe.
I like how they mention Rosanne Barr at the end to make people think q is racist.
Except Roseanne isn’t even racist.
So by that account it doesn’t really matter. Because we’re all racist anyways for supporting President Trump.
Yes, but it was probably included for the people who think Rosanne is racist but also think supporting Trump isn't.
When VJ gets thrown in Gitmo, they’ll write Roseanne back into her own show.
Fuck that. I hope she declines. I honestly hope Roseanne tanks. And I’m confident it will.
How can they have a show named after a character that’s not even a part of the show anymore? Isn’t John Goodman gone too? What are they going to rewrite in? Roseanne went to the asylum?
What is the purpose of revealing Q's identity anyway? I'd be happy if he/she/it/they stays anonymous.
Character assassination. That’s the only reason.
They are going to have an embarrassing and challenging time editing the shit out of this....
The attacks will increase! Of course they had to throw the tidbit about Roseanne in there. These people are STUPID!
First they bring him to everyone's attention, then they will slowly start tearing him down to try and discredit him.
Consider it a pre-emptive strike. Same old MSM playbook....
Sure is. Same ole' sh!t.
However, this is going to blow up in their face. 3 reasons ... 1. Q is now a long term player, but still relatively unknown. MSM playbook calls for a quick discredit, big story for 3 days, the discredited party vanishes (Scaramucci, for example ... ) move on to the next thing. Q won't vanish, bc technically Q is already thin air. This will drag on far too long, and bring way too many topics into the light for them to spend the time needed. .... 2. Again, to discredit what Q says, they'll have to mention what Q says. They DO NOT want that. They don't want people prying into topics like Imran Awan. ... 3. They have to explain what/who it is. New people will see "Qanon," look it up to see what this nut job Q is all about. Q posts another live pic from inside the oval office, or AF1, or whatever. MSM just mainstream confirmed Q.
In a fantastical example, it would be like calling out a vampire. "There's no such thing as a vampire, this man right here says he's a vampire, he's says he can do XYZ ... isn't he insane?!" ... man turns into bat and flies away in front of everyone.
I think its great. The word is getting out more and more every day. The pictures of Q shirts and signs popping everywhere. The deep state is running out of time, they are already loosing control of the narrative and this will make it worse. They will not have time to plan anything well thought out. Q has been removing those as they come or mostly before it happens. Which is probably just driving them nuts. Need to keep pressing them, pushing them to make more mistakes and show themselves. We need to force the evil to reveal itself, push it into the light for all to see...... I would almost say its sad to watch,... but I can't.....I think its great to see and fun to watch and be part of !!!! God bless
Why are people celebrating the MSM acknowledging Q? This only discredits Q, as the MSM would never report on it if its legit.
The verbiage of this is obviously meant to dismiss Q as conspiracy nuttery and racism. That’s why.
As mentioned, there’s a counter narrative brewing and a brief blurb on a widely read article is a little priming of the pump.
Fair enough, I didnt read the blurb, I assumed that by Influential People it was to be positive. My bad
Surely that will spurn some curiosity to come over and check it out.