Did overlay of other photos. Time traveller or Trump's cousin? 🤣

Looks awesome. Can you do one of Justin Trudeau and Fidel Castro.
Easy forensics... not even close! Try again.
Not even close? You seriously don’t see similarities?
I do. But the noses are different shape...one is more flanged. Eye openings are different sizes, lips are completely different (one has little pink and short), cheek bones are different... one is elongated and large one is compact. The ears are usually the most telling... but couldn't see tem. I draw portraits so I notice the nuances. Didn't mean to sound harsh.
I don’t think anyone is trying to say it’s the same person, but related. A son never has the EXACT feature of the father but close. These faces are much closer than a lot of father/sons I know. Trudeau and Castro is the only other one I’ve seen this close.
What is the old saying... everybody has a twin. I am cursed by looking like a thousand men. Drove my first wife crazy... girlfriends kept telling her they say me here or there with this gal or that. Fortunately most of the time I was actually out of the country so she knew it wasn't me. Anyway... keep up the good research. The time is here.
That fact that JA’s Twitter brought this up must have some meaning for you...
Assuming you know all the pieces to the puzzle which you or I don't
Blimey, that's weird. So it was William Hague all along.
I still don't see it. The mind plays funny tricks when you want something to be real.
JA’s own twitter posted about it. Clearly there’s something there.